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That's what I've been saying and thinking...I swear...

when the rains come the lightning comes and then they will rise.

It is so very true about the cubensis species. They love the storms.


As for homes,

no one's buying them here....


Everyone's kind of afraid...and they should be...


I haev a funny feeling my place of residence will soon be under water.




Over here, it never rains in winter. Never.


Well, last Saturday morning, we had 35 millimeters between 3am and 9am.


That's about an inch and a half, in six hours. Slap bang in the middle of winter. Little seeds will sprout in the Spring-like weather, only to die when the normal winter frost returns.


The weather has gone for a ball of guano. In my valley, at least. :airplane:


Well, last Saturday morning, we had 35 millimeters between 3am and 9am.

How about 350 mlms in one day?

450 +in 3 days.

Half our annual rainfall in three days.

I reckon about 6 inches came down in one hour.

The place is devastated..

Monster storm wreaks havoc along NSW coast


A significant part of New South Wales has been declared a natural disaster area after a savage storm which has been compared to a mini-cyclone swept through Newcastle, caused havoc on the Central Coast, and went on to lash Sydney.


Hundreds of thousands of people are without power, power lines and trees have collapsed onto roadways, buildings have been damaged, roofs have been swept away, motorists have abandoned cars as floodwaters rise and there are reports of snow south of Tamworth.


Hundreds of homes across the region have been evacuated.


Police are still looking for two adults and three children at Somersby on the Central Coast after a section of the highway collapsed and their car was swept away by floodwaters yesterday.

Monster storm wreaks havoc along NSW coast. 09/06/2007. ABC News Online


How about 350 mlms in one day?

450 +in 3 days.

Half our annual rainfall in three days.

I reckon about 6 inches came down in one hour.

The place is devastated..


Monster storm wreaks havoc along NSW coast. 09/06/2007. ABC News Online



I've been hearing about flooding in NSW. You guys have had quite a year so far. From drought to floods; one extreme to another.



Over here, it never rains in winter. Never.


Well, last Saturday morning, we had 35 millimeters between 3am and 9am.


That's about an inch and a half, in six hours. Slap bang in the middle of winter. Little seeds will sprout in the Spring-like weather, only to die when the normal winter frost returns.


The weather has gone for a ball of guano. In my valley, at least. :friday:


Crazy weather around the globe.


In Austin, we've had way too much rain this spring. The lake levels are like 35 feet higher than they should be. My girlfriend's dad is struggling to keep his plants alive (he farms a few acres) since the soil is too wet and the roots won't take hold. Like 700 tomato plants with a great big "maybe" sign hanging above them.


And the report from my part of Georgia shows similar craziness. We've (finally) been hit with a couple big T-storms and some cloudy skies to keep it from evaporating (water ban still in effect here). We're supposed to have similar storms for a couple days at least.

It's been a very dry year so far, and the late frost doesn't help the Agri folks much either. :friday:

Audio Related Images

A wave breaks against the side of the MV Pasha Bulker, stranded off a Newcastle beach

Monster storm wreaks havoc along NSW coast. 09/06/2007. ABC News Online


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ABC Weather

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Audio Related Audio


A significant part of New South Wales has been declared a natural disaster area after a savage storm swept through Newcastle and caused havoc on the Central Coast. The SES has had an unprecedented number of calls for help but says it is impossible to reach everyone because of the wind and flooding. NSW Premier Morris Iemma is considering declaring

a state of emergency.

[RealMedia 28k+] [WinMedia 28k+] [MP3]


ABC journalist Tim McDonald reports from Newcastle, where floodwaters have inundated the town and residents have been evacuated. Sightseers who came to see the stranded freighter, the Pasha Bulker, were also left stranded.

[RealMedia 28k+] [WinMedia 28k+] [MP3]


The Pasha Bulker is stranded just off a Newcastle beach. The seas are still rough but salvage crews will attempt to get on board the freighter today to assess the damage to its hull.

[RealMedia 28k+] [WinMedia 28k+] [MP3]


Despite reports the Pasha Bulker and two other shipping vessels ignored warnings from port authorities about heavy seas and strong winds, the Danish company that operates the ship, Lauritzen Bulkers, says the crew is not to blame for the accident.

[RealMedia 28k+] [WinMedia 28k+] [MP3]

Related Stories Related Stories


* Roads blocked along coast north of Sydney

* Police continue search for 5 missing in flood

* Salvage team to board coal freighter

* Newcastle 'like an old war movie' after storms hit

* Storms hamper emergency response


Related Links Related Links


* Live coverage from ABC Newcastle. (Windows)

ABC Newcastle live coverage of the emergency.

* Live coverage from ABC Newcastle. (Real)

ABC Newcastle live coverage of the emergency.

* NSW weather and warnings

Bureau of Meteorology

* ABC Newcastle

ABC Newcastle's rolling coverage of the emergency.


Send us your pictures. Email your pictures and video to ABC News Online or send them via MMS to 0417 751 633 (+61 417 751 633 if you're overseas.) Email address: [email protected]

Monster storm wreaks havoc along NSW coast. 09/06/2007. ABC News Online





And here I am, bitching about my miserly 35mm's!




Didn't Ronthepon experience a similar flooding a few months ago?


This planet is going apeshit. You better look for the next Vogon ship and thumb a ride outta here...


This was on the news earlier this week so when I had Landsat open I grabbed a copy for myself.


The tornado happened in Wisconsin on June 7 I believe. They estimate it at 1/2 mile wide. The path is pretty visible. If I remember right it was on the ground for around 45 miles. It happened in a very rural area so there were no reports of building damage that I am aware of.



This planet is going apeshit. You better look for the next Vogon ship and thumb a ride outta here...

How do you do that again?


It has been raining all week.

Just enough to loosen the roots of big trees.

When European people first came to this area they took the good timber and left other rain-forest trees

As a consequence, rain forest trees don't cope with wind.


I have seen so many trees blown down today.

Even new council planted trees 4-5 years old.


We are expecting a storm at 10pm-12+(now 4am) am tonight ( now 7.13pm)

Very still and quiet at the moment.

Quite scary.

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