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What is the true purpose of our life here on Earth?

Dark Mind

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Yes, this thread is an example. Everyone's confused and not sure of what life's purpose.


Well, calling it "crap" is nonsense, though. Nobody is sure what the purpose of life is. Nobody is sure if life *has* a purpose. That people talk about it is good.

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I beleive the true meaning of our lives would be to live them out however you see fit. Being born into existence, we can but naturally continue to "live" and go on, making purposes for ourselves, the most basic of them being to jus have fun and/or "live out you life" as was intended.

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It really is obvious that atheism and scepticism will take us nowhere.


Obvious in what way? Are you saying that all of the accomplishments of atheists having done nothing for mankind? Are you saying we should accept everything without skepticism? IMO, that is a foolish proposal. Maybe I have misunderstood you. Please explain to us what you mean.

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to me the purpose of life would be very simple it would be to live as long as we can as a whole species, if we can live forever then thats our purpose, things such as being able to remember things making as more intelligent then cells and trees and such makes us survive better, all our senses gives us a much greater chance to live then other things, and if evolution is correct then eventually we will be immortal by natural causes, we only think we create our own purpose because of our conscience percieves it might be that way but we "live" as instead of being just matter for the sole purpose to continue as whole matter and not be destory. And also if we have to kill one being of our species to let others live that decision would be only apparent to more intelligent beings such as our selfs a plain example that more intelligence proves that we could survive better.

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Atheists have done a great deal for mankind. I believe that there will be no unified field thory or any serious advances in any science without including the spiritual dimension. I read that Einstein was a mystic, and others may be as well, but they can't publish what they know in their hearts. We live in interesting times (chinese curse: may you have an interesting life)

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