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What is the true purpose of our life here on Earth?

Dark Mind

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Are we here to fullfill whatever our Earthly desires may be? Should we focus on balancing the condition of mind and body? Or should we focus mainly on the absorption of knowledge to become the greatest thinker of all time? Or should we focus our efforts solely on the bettering of our body? Does any of this even matter though, since we will all one day die, at least until they get that immortality thing down :hyper:. What are your thoughts on the purpose (not meaning) of life.

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I think the purpose of life is to improve efficiency. Like in seeking the grand unified theory & the idea of a short equation that describes everything. That same pursuit of efficiency is our purpose in everything. Don't quarrel, because it wastes energy. Plan ahead, because it may save energy. Get the most from the least.:hyper: Be efficient.

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Roger Wilco. You said, "The purpose of life i would think is to live...and how u define "live" is the meaning."

___I understood you to mean that we each must individually define 'live', & so I meant to ask how you as an individual do so.


___I as an individual said I think 'live' means maximizing efficiency. I hope that clarifies.:hyper:

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I believe in one thing.Body is hardware and our mind is a self regenerating and sustainable software(brain is like the CPU) and life is the journey of this software through time.Neither life nor death have any specific purpose.The software (the complexest patterns of thought processes) loses powersupply and is off.Meanwhile we all have chance to understand this software while we are alive.



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What's all this crap about purposes of lives? from what you guys are saying, i don't see it being very scientific at all... just mentalist nonsense. Long lives Freud!


It really is obvious that atheism and scepticism will take us nowhere. Just look at you guys. You couldn't even call them conjectures, let alone scientific.

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