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LaTeX update: Read this before posting!

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You're a God Mr. Xander!
and here i was admiring you for your post in CS just a month ago and you're calling me god.... :hyper: I admire you a lot too Buffy you're great!!!


Also not to be politically incorrect, i admire all hypo users to an extent, just that i admire buffy more then the overwhelming majority of the other users, just wanted to make that clear :hihi:.


and now i gotta look at css again, because someone turned on link underlining, i swear i'm going to fork the VBulletin code just so it does not underline links! (the update is probably what screwed it up, and T and Kill don't really use Latex enough to notice the minute change....)


Eeeh, another thing to put on my resume when i apply for an official Hypography position

you know, with salary and all :) (what can i say, i'm a dreamer)


Who's up for the compilation of the color list.... I am not doing everything here come on people open up photoshop and start typing in colors. I am sure the general list is also available online somewhere.


Give it till the weekend i guess.... Then i'll just have to make one myself, just saying yall could be nice and spend some time to ease your life in the future....


BTW, i am thinking of changing the default color to dark blue to match the theme and point out latex expressions a little better on the page, does anyone have anything against that or a suggestion of another color?



Also here is a list of packages that with any luck should be enabled on the server:

amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb, color, cancel, graphics, accents, amstext, amssymb, array, at, caption2, circle, crosswrd, euro2, eurofont, graphicx, latex, ppchtex, polyglot, quotes, tap, underline, units, wasysym

just in case anyone is interested... i need to find and install a couple more sometime maybe :hyper:

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well amsmath and amsfonts and amssymb have been enabled for alittle while, its packages like circle, caption, accent, crossword, graphics and units that i want to put forward that are enabled... you can create crossowords in latex, as well as you can make captions on drwawings, circle symbols to outline things. Quotes package makes your life loads easier translating ' " '' and so forth into opening and closing quotes, um, accent allows you to (in linguistics forum) to show the accenting of a certain word, that and polyglot and you can type in most latin-based language (dint enable the chinese/japanese/korean fonts, but if that needs to happen, i will. ppchtex allows for some cool chem stuff, uh units manages if i am not mistaken consistency of units you put within your equasions (maybe... remains to be tested :) )


just noticed a double.... i'll fix it later on

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lately I've used the old latex tag 'cause the math and imath ones weren't working even for simple ordinary stuff. I came here to try things as well as hijack Hypo to throw a bit of LaTeX into a .doc I'm completing for my job. Let's see now...



[imath]\vert I+Df_c\,\Delta f\vert^2=\mid I_{\rm mis}\mid^2[/imath] should be:


[math]\mid I + Df_c\,\Delta f\mid^2=\mid I_{\rm mis}\mid^2[/math]


[math]D=\sum\left(\frac{A}{V}\right)^{\ast}[/math] should be:


[math]D=\sum\left(\frac{A}{V}\right)^{\ast}[/math] and


[math]f_c=\frac{I-I_{\rm p}}{D_{\rm p}\,\Delta f}[/math] should be:


[math]f_c=\frac{I-I_{\rm p}}{D_{\rm p}\,\Delta f}[/math]


Nope, the new math tags aren't working and even in the old tags \vert doesn't work, only \mid and gosh how ghastly the old ones look now we've been using the new ones!

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Just a test:




begin{array}{ c c }

1 & 2

3 & 4

end{array} right]





[math]Delta =sum_{i=1}^N w_i (x_i - bar{x})^2[/math]


- renders mathematical equations



\begin{array}{ c c }

1 & 2 \\

3 & 4

\end{array} \right]





[math]\Delta =\sum_{i=1}^N w_i (x_i - \bar{x})^2[/math]


- renders mathematical equations



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Yabbut there are still those [LaTeX Error: Syntax error] things and what's more they appear in the quote of your OP but not always when I repeat the exact same thing just after the quote tags. Weird.


so it looks like


begin{array}{ c c }

1 & 2



so it looks like


\begin{array}{ c c }

1 & 2



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Haha, fixed, woooo hoooo!!!!!


ok, so there were a few issues, and i think i took care of all of them...


Now, there is a new list of packages that we are using, and there is an addition to them, and there are a few that are no longer in the list:


mhchem v2, amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb, amstext, color, cancel, graphics, graphicx, array, at, caption2, units, pst-plot, texmacs and ccfonts


[math]I(z) = \sin( \frac{\pi}{2} z^2 ) \sum_{n=0}^\infty

\frac{ (-1)^n \pi^{2n} }{1 \cdot 3

\cdots (4n + 1) } z^{4n + 1}

-\cos( \frac{\pi}{2} z^2 ) \sum_{n=0}^\infty

\frac{ (-1)^n \pi^{2n + 1} }{1 \cdot 3

\cdots (4n + 3) } z^{4n + 3}[/math]


i will show you what you can do with pst-plot, its quite cool, it actually allows you to do things similar to graphicx... but i still havent figured out exactly how to use it, so hang with me, i will eventually figure it out :)

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