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H C N A 05 - Who do you want to see?


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Do they sell geetars in that Mapple store?


That reminds me of a favorite joke in our house...


Ask nemo where you should go to get (insert ANY thing here), and his response is usually "I think they sell those at Circuit City", followed quickly by "And if not there, then I'm sure Best Buy has them. LEt's just go check!"


Mind you, this goes for anything, regardless of if I need grass seeds, shallots, socks for the kids, a new jacket, a kitchen appliance, or new skis. He just has it in his head that you can get ANYthing at Circuit City! Of course, the grass seed is the one thing he *might* consent to going somewhere else for...he also has a thing for Home Depot!


And guys say WE love to shop?



Oh, thanks for the suggestions, Buffy. We'll keep those in mind. Sorry to hear you won't make it, but why not just bring the little angel along? How old will she be? Actually, the reason the HCNA05 isn't a week earlier is because the 8th is MY baby's birthday. Ahhh, the benefits of being an Admin, eh?

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Je bork dir mör firsk dum di du ska du, je bor for skir bir for mm bork bork bork!

Eeengish wur de her de hypuugraphy Fuurum Admeenistratuur

Cummunicatiuun-a Offeesr


Trials and tribulatiuun-a and stupidity still rules

Sume days it just feels like I'm on a ship of fools

--- Van Muurrisuun, "It Once Was My Life" ---




Oh geez, I have no idea what this says, but I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time. Thanks, Tormod. I always wanted to be Scandinavian! I feel like the Swedish Chef!!! :(

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You should see the Norwegian translation:



Hypography forum forsterknings

kommunikasjons offiser


Prøver og tribulations og dumhet regjerer enda Noen dager

det akkurat føler seg som som jeg er på et skip av tosk

Varebil Morrison, "Det Var en gang Mitt Liv"




60% junk, 40% just plain wrong. Thanks to Killean for providing this, er, gem.

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Hypography Администратор Форума

Служащий по установлению связей


Испытания(Суды и несчастья и глупость все еще управляют

В некоторые дни это только чувствует себя подобно, я нахожусь на судне дураков

Ван Морризон "Это Однажды Была Моя Жизнь"




Is that Cyrillic? My goodness, i had no idea I was so multi-cultural!

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Hypography Forum Verwalter



Versuche und Kummer und Dummheit regiert noch Einige Tage es nur fühlt, wie ich auf einem Schiff der Narren bin

Van Morrison, "Es War Einmal Mein Leben"



Now I'm German?

Ok, Killean is about to get grounded...

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And my bio too, eh? Very nice. And all beceause Em got click-happy while looking at the slide show Yvonne sent. I'll have to remember that next time I think about sending pics to you guys... Note to self - bad things happen when you send pictures, so don't do that!!


There, that ought to cover it.


You guys better make lots of plans this week while I am gone. I'll be back early next week to check on your progress. I would like to have a fairly complete list of everyone that needs a room, so I can get the reservations made next week.


Also, if any of you have ideas or suggestions for a guest speaker, let us know. AND, we're still taking suggestions for activities. I'd like to have a rough schedule by next Friday. That way we can fine tune things as it gets closer, but it's not just a madhouse when we get there. So get your thoughts straight, and be ready to make some fabulous suggestions. We'll need an activity for Friday evening, which should be something light and fun, since people might be tired. Something science-y to do Saturday afternoon. And a prospective time for our Hypo-chat... Honestly, I think we should do the chat at a time most convenient for our European or Asian members, just because...


OK, I gotta get out of here. I have meals to deliver, and kids to watch, and new babies to hold, and classes to teach, and a Grandma to move from Texas to Oklahoma, and that's just this weekend!

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