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How to treat the mentally special.


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I added an edit above, that might answer your question.


Please demonstrate where you made your edit. I apologize for my laziness, but I did not memorize or photocopy your original post. :) Thanks.



As for calling people special, they have it hard enough, so it's probably better not to denegrate them further due to our own uncomfortable reactions to their situation or life circumstance.


"Hey Jimbob, look at that stupid retard over there. Hehehe..."

"Dude, doesn't he have enough **** to deal with without having morons like you calling him names? Lay off you hateful ignorant shaftwad."



Ya dig? ;)

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There is a lot of stuff going on in the background behind human consciousness. For most people this stuff remains unconscious. This is good because it makes it easier to focus in reality. Some people are more conscious of this irrational stuff. That takes up a lot of their focus and attention making it harder to cope in reality. It is sort of a forced multi-tasking that occurs all the time. In that respect, this exrra task is part of their natural makeup. Why not put it too good use.


Let me give an example. It is not uncommon for a child to have an imaginary friend. That friend is an artifact of software that is interacting with the ego of the child, training them is some way. It could be simple like practicing social communication skills. It is like the kitten chasing the imaginary prey to practice hunting skills.


This is considered acceptable up to a certain age. After that age, one is expected to get out the bricks and mortar and build the wall. If one carried their imaginary friend into young adulthood, they would commited or drugged, since building the wall is part of the social norm. So, most people repress the softwware until appears to disappear. But it is still there because it is human personality software induced by genetics. Some people never built the wall (for many reasons). They have more like a picket fence that allows them to see onto the other side.


Let me give a different example, i.e., UFO's and aliens. These are within the realm of possibility, but are sort of unlikely. The logic is that a superior intelligence could learn more by being interactive and obvious. Sneaking and hiding leads to all types of justifications that make them sound less than very advanced. Irregardless, many otherwise sober people have had these unique experiences. I believe they saw what they saw. What this more than likely is, is a projection from the software. What this particular projection tells us is that is comes from an aspect of the software that reflects higher than normal human intelligence. The frail bodies of the aliens show the software is not stemming from the animal instincts (these aspects project differntly).


What is interesting is that many people, all across the world more or less have the same alien projections. This is consistent with the collective nature of the personality software. If it comes from the software it should happen in many places, to many people, independantly.


If you look at something like teenage idol worship, i.e., rock, sport, celebrity, etc., it is almost a rite of passage. The software projects onto these individuals seeking an idol that is right for that individual. It needs data that these particular social dynamics creates for the teen. The wall is built so well that most walk around totally unconsicous of the fact that they are unconscious of the inner softwave driving this connection. Some become obsessed by the software. Since it is collective and many other are also doing it to excess, it appears normal, which it is. The fact remains, if this software was mapped out, it offer the choice of free will instead of partially unconscious socially acceptable, compulsion.


Global warming is another software induction that make use of the fear potential. There are a lot of people that are over projecting a future of doom and gloom and reacting like it is reality. But on the good side, it also compels collective social dynamics that build friendships, gives one a cause, gives one energy of conviction, etc.. This is good. Maybe if you weigh all the software data collection that is going on, it may add to good, even of it is out of touch with reality.


The Muslim terrorists show all the signs of being under the influence of the software. Their software projection allows them to see stuff in the Koran in the way the software needs to see it, to maintain potential. If one puts aside the "cause", the radical, change the world dynamics against the big corrupt machine, is not new. The software shell is very similar and appears all through history, just the social matrix that the software is working in is leading to these social dynamics.


The death goal, "all those virgins", tells of a polarization, or that two opposing software are playing at the same time. If their projection was just from darkside software, it would enter consciousness quicker and lose potential due to ego censor. The secondary software is being used by the primary software as a decoy to help hide itself.


An analogy, is a normal person hitting a child out of impulse. Most would feel bad and try to control that negative impulse the next time. But if a secondary software appears with images of beating the child making them the next world champion boxer (if it was real it may have logical merit) the censor of hitting gets buried underneath a fantasy of good intention. If the child cries, since the primary software is buried deep, one may not react with pity. Instead, the shell software sees the need to toughen up the child even further. Everyone else will see a bully except the person with the software polarization.


I would add the terrorists among the mentally special. They won't be defined like this by culture, because the "wall" in this case, is what is perpetuating the unconsciousness. They are not suppose to see the little man behind the curtain pulling the levers.


The treatment is easy. What needs to happen is that the shell software needs to be cracked a little so what is inside software can become more conscious as seen for what it is. Here is a quick verbal therapy to push the right button to crap the shell.


Mohamad was a great prophet. As such, to honor Mohamad and to achieve the promise of paradise, one needs to do a great deed. Sneaking around in the night like a thief and killing women and children and people who don't fight back is not a great deed. If this is acceptable to Mohamad as a way to achieve paradise, doesn't that make Mohamad a leader of cowards. I don't beleive that is true. I believe Mohamad is a leader of great heros. To be a hero one needs to fight the tough fight against other tough warriors. Anything less dishonors Mohamad and will lead to punishment in the next world not reward. His heros need to be in the battle field to properly honor Mohamad. Bullying civilians insults the name of Mohamad by making him appear like the leader of bullys and cowards in the eyes of the world.

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