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Proof of Time

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What proof do we have that time is a dimension?


Well, it's a dimension when you look at the definition of a dimension.




If I invite you to a condo party in New York City I have to tell you the street, the avenue, the floor, and the time. It's one of the things that specifies something. A dimension.


Are you looking for proof that time contributes to spatial dimension? That's trickier. But if time ran slower in your left leg than in your right leg, you'd be going round in circles!

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actually, that isnt true. time is a label that one would add on in an effort to set the standards of punctuality. you COULD simply give the location, and hope that we meet. its not nesesary. however, the thing that makes it sound like a dimension to me is becuase of change. if you were to try and describle an inconstant state of the universe, you would have to specify what the state was at a particular point in time...therefore time must exist if we are going to make efforts to describe the state of he universe at any time.

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why do i keep bringing these things up that there isnt a concrite answer to!!! its quite inconvenient because i raelly wanna know :D :hyper: :eek_big:


There is indeed a very concrete answer to your question. Time does most certainly exist, but it remains one of the most undefined phenomena in all of science. Would you care for a more insightful definition?

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There are a couple options for how time is as a dimension.


First, temporaraly stretching the time in ones own reference frame. Equal and oppositely reacting, you slow your time other times speed up equally and vice versa. Thus, only affect the balance but not changing the constant.


Second, time that comes from a future enters a present and passes into the past.


The first catagory say that time is an illusionary flow. It is only a constant moment of now that is constantly created. It exists inside infinity. The future does not come and can not come from anywhere, and the past does not go and can not go anywhere. It is only a constant creation of now that one is locked into. The actions inside the space-time realm can equally and oppositely cause effects to other details as one solid functioning unit. It is illusionary because it is a closed system of a infinite source. It is closed because it has 'frequency' and space locked inside a inevtiable value because of the universal constant C of creation. The only sense of time comes the 'measure' of someones memory of a collection of resinating energy. One can create a repitiion in their mind as it were to get an idea of time, yet it is only a pattern being created in infinity.


If you take away your frequency and your space you are returned to infinity in its fullest experience.


The second version of time says the it is a memory bank which plays from a source, views from a now, and passes into a data bank. Each molecule, and light wave is recorded and stored in perfect detail. Here it is the speed at which the tape is played that one thinks time flows. Yet it states there must be an ulterior intelligence or mind to store such information of what we think is time.


In my humble opinion, the option that is correct is the first. Time is not a flow, but an illusionary happening that is caused from the very basic patterns and repitions that burst into existence at a CONSTANT rate, and constant value.

Here we only thing time flows as we measure it in our brains to compared resinations (memories).


off to the side:

Interestingly enough one can focus strong enough they can slip into a consciousness that sees and feels that there is only now, but it is not a term or visiual that can be held in a set of hands. It is a "NOW" that underlies the cause, the reason, the existence of all existence, all.. It is validated by your I am that is an I am.


If this has confused you.


I state that time is a measurement that can be and happens to be perportional to a constant. The constant is tied to an observer. It comes from some infinite source. We know this because of the fact photons have no space, no distance, no consitent frequency or energy value. It simply seeps out of a boundless to act in all places at all times. The idea of time as a dimensions is saying that energy is a dimension.


The reason I said it is an inevitable value in a closed system is because C is the creation constant. All frequencies, energy, space, mass, and all things are flexible value locked between zero and zero. In a realm of constant velocity. Frequencies inevitably have to operate inside that velocity. They can be next to zero frequency and infinite wavelength (that is low energy) and next to zero frequency and zero wavelength (that is high energy). It can only be quantified values from this closed system (closded meaning, parenthesis "[ ]" enclosing the reality) completley perpotional and dependent on the source of creation, and the fundemental unit relationship -fundamental equation-.

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actually, the formal definition of time is the rate of decay of certain types of radioactive element (cesium i think, not sure though).....so time is like a "measurement of change".


so that if that element stops decaying... (we got a problem) time will technically stop.

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isnt it equally plausable that we live in one infinate, constatly progressive moment?? :shrug:

Are you suggesting that your first birthday and your last are coincident? It seems to me that not all events are simultaneous....

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They are of course not simultaneous, but what they are is they are measured by that which you can 'record' via memory of some kind.


By resinating a pattern you can compare input with resination and measure a passing of time or a flow of time.


Last years birthday was the same now as this years birthday but it is seperated by memory and change.

If you got knocked out on your last birthday, and woke up at this years birthday, it would be simultaneous relative to what you've felt as "TIME FLOW".


Although, yes the frequency of constant creation while you were in coma would of course kept going for your body, the world and everyone else in the time you were unconcious, but that is only change based from the rate of fundamental blips appearing in the now, but no actual flow has happened.


Time can not pass unless, like I said, you are resinating a pattern (memory) you can compare input with.


Even your memories, are still NOW, they arent in the past, they never were. They are measured to be, but when oyu remember them, you create in your brain a resination pattern that gives you the information that you are experiencing details of last years birthday this year now.

You see? nothing passes by, it only happens now, and if its recorded history or a memory, thats because something is still around to resinate it to us as information.

something is still around meaning it hasnt changed now to lose its information of being what it is.

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If we're theorising, here's a simple concept. Maybe a little too simple to be right, but I like it enough to share:


If the Universe was totally frozen, there would be no time. The earth wouldn't turn, clocks wouldn't tick, photons wouldn't fly, and the sun wouldn't shine. Something has to change for time to exist, which means something has to move. And it has to move a distance. Which means, when you cut to the chase, that time is that distance. Which is why time and space are the same thing, and so we call it spacetime.

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it starts with one's perception of "moving foreward". instead of thinking of progression as time or progressing numerals, i think what i am trying to express is that perhaps progression is more...erm..."darwinian". what a horrible example, but perhaps the ever changing and evolving surroundings of what we percieve IS progression
Hey, good point. I think I totally agree with you - to the extent that what I think you said is really what you meant. :eek_big:

If change (the thing we need to experience 'time') is driven by something (like a hidden engine beneath ever single phenomena) then time might only exist in our heads because we can remember past moments.

There might not be any going back. We can predict 'future' events using our knowledge of 'past' events assuming the engine continues to run as it is now (the only 'time' that really exists) and also assuming we understand the causal relationships inherent in whatever subject we are predicting.

My point, I guess, is that you really have a good point in your original post. I think DoctorDick stated that Newton looked upon time as 'evolutionary', so you're in good company (if that is what you meant).

And with respect to the 'engine', I think it's the McCutcheon expansion.

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I have solved time in its fullest explanation. And because of this it can be used to define many if not all other universal phenomena.


I might have to start a new thread and spend a little time organizing a clean paper on it.


The reason it involves each detail and phenomena is because, describing time correctly requires you to describe how everything space-time related exists.

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