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Upgrade info part 2


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Yeah, looks awesome. Change is good. Is everything assumed to be functional at the moment, besides the ads, quizzes, puzzle store, etc.?


Everything is functional except some stuff I'm working on for the editorial team.


The links section has been dropped. We will revamp our old link section here instead: http://www.hypography.com/links.cfm


The quizzes will also now reside at http://www.hypography.com/quizfront.cfm


The puzzle store will have to be rewritten because the forum software has changed dramatically. :evil:


As for the ads, I'm trying to figure out how to hide them for sponsors so I hope to solve that...I hope you guys don't mind seeing them for a few days. There will be no popups at the forums although you will get them at hypography.com until I can read the sponsorship info there too.


So far everything seems to be working as it should.

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Ok, clicking on the quick reply button isn't working for me. I have to click on the "quote" button instead. Also, I can't click on the emoticons for them to be inserted in the message.


edit: Hey, I have more rep power than Tormod! I am the king!


edit edit: by the way, what is rep power measured in? Watts??? :evil:

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Rep power is determined by a formula that includes the number of posts you have, the time you've been a member, and the amount of rep you have. However, Admins have a set amount of rep, because we don't have to 'spread it around' before we can give it to the same person.

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Quick reply seems to work fine for me. I believe emoticons are also working.


And Dave is spot on with the Rep Power comments. I did quite the extensive research project on it when we switched to the VB software, and Dark Mind did a few experiments over the summer.


The Admin group has a static 25 Rep Power. We are able to give to the same person without spreading it around, and are not limited in the amount of Rep we can give each day.


Rep Power is very important in that you actually have the ability to affect a member's standing. For instance, rep from Turtle will normally give you an extra green (now BLUE!) box. (thanks for that last one, Turtle :eek: )


And I like the new look. Very nice. Great job, as usual, Killean!! :eek:


Edit: Editing is MUCH easier now!!


What does the empty checkbox next to the 'rep' and 'report post' buttons do? When I click on the box, it highlights the whole post in pink, but what is the purpose of that? just curious...:evil:

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