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Planet Venus and it's orbit around the sun.


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Supposing Venus orbit was further from the sun then it's present orbit sometime after the big bang, found it's orbit in the same position as the earth's, would the same conditions as found on earth be found on Venus?  more on this thought later.

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If Venus "found it's orbit in the same position as the earth's" then there would be conditions on Venus that might be similar to conditions on Earth, but not the same.

According to this source: "Although Venus is dry, and smothered in a suffocating atmosphere, this is merely a consequence of it being too close to the Sun. Were it further away, say where our Earth is now, then it would have a mild climate with oceans and rain, and probably also have a thin Nitrogen/Oxygen atmosphere, and life frolicking in its oceans."

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Traveling further into the center of the black hole the intense energy created by the compression of mass would be a sight for human eyes if it were possible to understand what is taking place.  Imagine the mass of planets reduced to energy hotter then the sun, until it burst with a force greater then the compressed state.  So what now? the mass expands outward in all directions with clusters that will gather into so called planets, balls of extreme energy, but wait the outward direction is horizontal not in all directions.  Space as it is called has other numerous forces with energy capacities pulling, pushing and spreading the newly created bang masses, so why are galaxies with their planets laid out flat, horizontal unlike, unless the forces of each planet are pulled into an orbit of it's own direction.  But even this becomes more mysterious when the countless horizontal galaxies are sideways, upside down and in various positions?      to be continued. replies are welcomed.  

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According to the information I found, NASA announced Wednesday that it will send, not one, but two spacecraft to Venus this decade as part of its efforts to ramp up exploration of the closest planet to Earth.
The decision was hailed by scientists who study Venus and have felt neglected by a space agency decidedly more interested in Mars. NASA has not sent a robotic spacecraft to Venus since the launch of the Magellan orbiter in 1989. Launched by space shuttle Atlantis, Magellan made a controlled entry into the Venusian atmosphere in 1994 after collecting reams of data that have tantalized scientists ever since."

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Wish to close further post on Venus, it appears my story is not clear enough on explaining some other idea starting with the black hole.

Thank for your replies.


Edited by Ricardo
need to close further work on my conceptional ideas.
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On 6/8/2021 at 7:07 PM, Ricardo said:

Thank you for the Venus update by NASA.  Would  like to know the data info that tantalized the scientist, that would be interesting.     

I understand further comments to this subject should be in another heading more suited under "General Astronomy Philosophy".   Thank you for your reply.

It`s easy to find the information about all missions to Venus that are about to happen in the nearest future by different countries like China, Japan and even Russia and of course USA on Wikipedia

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On 6/7/2021 at 10:22 AM, Ricardo said:

Traveling further into the center of the black hole the intense energy created by the compression of mass would be a sight for human eyes if it were possible to understand what is taking place.  Imagine the mass of planets reduced to energy hotter then the sun, until it burst with a force greater then the compressed state.  So what now? the mass expands outward in all directions with clusters that will gather into so called planets, balls of extreme energy, but wait the outward direction is horizontal not in all directions.  Space as it is called has other numerous forces with energy capacities pulling, pushing and spreading the newly created bang masses, so why are galaxies with their planets laid out flat, horizontal unlike, unless the forces of each planet are pulled into an orbit of it's own direction.  But even this becomes more mysterious when the countless horizontal galaxies are sideways, upside down and in various positions?      to be continued. replies are welcomed.  

I see you are suspending your discussion about the orbit of Venus, but I am interested in seeing where you were going with this post about spiral galaxies.

You wrote:

“so why are galaxies with their planets laid out flat”

I assume you meant to say galaxies with their star systems laid out flat, or perhaps solar systems with their planets laid out flat, but I think I get the drift of your question in any case.


If you attach a mass to the end of a string and then spin the mass around you, the string will define a flat plane as the mass orbits you. This is a simplified answer to why the planets orbit around a central star in a solar system in a flat plane. Another, more complicated answer has to do with the fact that objects take a path of least resistance, and lower energy. If planets orbited the central star in any random way, there would be collisions and energy would be “lost” (actually converted to heat and light) in such collisions, and those random orbits would soon be eliminated, leaving behind only those planets that orbit in a flat plane where no collisions can occur and at a lower energy.

What applies to a solar system also holds true for spiral galaxies. But the most important factor is that the galaxy has spin.

There are galaxies without spin and the stars form a globular cluster which is roughly spherical, instead of laid out in a flat plane.

There is no mystery as to why the axis of these spiral galaxies can point in any direction, as far as we know, there is no up or down or sideways in space itself. Although there are some who think that the universe itself may be rotating and hypothesize on a preferred genetic modality of chiral galaxies. But such a hypothesis needs to be confidentially supported by a deeper and refined analysis of a larger observational data set.




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15 hours ago, OceanBreeze said:



I understand your reasoning and agree.   What bothers me the BH bang works in that pattern as you explained since one has not witness it in action.  Assuming the BH is in a cone shape, or flat one dimensional depending which side the observer is viewing, whether the so called front is the same on the back or other.  I need to stop now as there things I need to do and will return sometime tomorrow.  To be continued.



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Interesting video has been shared by one guy on this forum. This is a video about the possibility of the colonization of Venus put forward by NASA. Personally, I think the idea of colonizing Venus is a completely useless idea. Even more useless than colonizing Mars. Venus's environment is even more harsh than the environment on Mars which will we should understand that the life of human beings will be changed completely as a result of the harsh environment of Venus and will not be the same as we have on Earth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7A0O_4J5LE

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