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Anyone up for a summer contest?


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Maby some home-brew chemistry/mettalurgy/phisics projects:

EX1 Creating a levitating diamagnetic device (cast Bismuth top spinning above a toroid electromagnet

EX2 Tesla coils; let's play with electricity.

EX3 Baking with Bunsen burners

EX4 Homemade ballistics dummies

etc...best execution and report wins!

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ok now u want some ideas for some of compition


well i like to play with fire but i got banned from playin with the matches and lighters so i guess ican't do any thing with fire( :) :) )


most eventive theroy on the mental capabilites of organisms when compared to humans or something

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___I have racked my brain over this for days to no avail. If we keep this up, the contest is going to end up a contest of who can come up with the best contest. :) :)

___The ideas so far seem OK for select groups but I think they're not inclusive enough; not everyone has a camera, not everyone writes well, etc. Let's keep trying though!

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___Back before we had TV or radio, one of the amusements we entertained ourselves with is a game we called dictionary. The idea is for each player to write a word & its definition on a paper. The papers then all go to a person called "it" who reads each slip. Now the twist is that you may make up a word & definition/etymology & try means of your written definition to convince the others it is real.

___Voting then ensued & I don't remember the scheme, but points were awarded for fooling with a false word as well as correctly saying a word was false or real...

___Anyway, maybe a contest for the most convincing made up word/definition/etymology? :wave:

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___But here we change the rules a bit by knowing everyone is submitting a made up word. No real words because as you say, too many resources. The challenge then is trying to have the best "sounding" made up word & definiton. Is that more clear?

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___Each entry as a poll choice? If we have more entries than a single poll allows, then start another; then it's a straight count of votes. ? :eek:

___The entrant posts their word & definition in the thread; make it resemble a standard dictionary entry with the word, syllabification, pronunciation, verb, noun forms etc. defintions, & etymology. After a suitable period for accepting entries, the thread is closed & the polls constructed with each poll entry one of the words. Follows a suitable period for voting & voila! Contest. :eek:

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