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If I was God.....


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Yeah... but how would you know if you even existed?

By both my definition and the old testament's definition God is self aware. "I am that I am; tell them 'I am' sent you." God knows who God is, even when others cannot know it. What is the point of your inquiry?



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If you were God, how would you go about getting to know that?

Easy one

i would know I was God if:-

First if I could make all the intolerant religions of the world (Christianity, Islam, Judasim) tolerant. I might even throw in a bit of compassion


Secondly if I could fix/reverse all these


abscesses, acne, addictions, adenitis, adenoids, AIDS, albinism, allergies, ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), Alzheimer's disease, amnesia, anemia, aneurysms, angina, anorexia nervosa, anthrax, anxiety attacks, aphasia, appendicitis, apoplexy, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asphyxia, asthma, astigmatism, athlete's foot, attention deficit disorder (ADD), autism, avalanches, back aches, bedsores, Bell's palsy, beriberi, bipolar disorder (manic-depression), birth defects, blackouts, bladder infections, blemishes, blindness, blisters, blizzards, bloating, boils, bone cancer, bone spurs, botulism, bowlegs, breast cancer, brain cancer, breech presentations, Bright's disease, brittle bone disease, broken bones, bronchitis, bruises, bulimia, bunions, bursitis, calcinosis, canker sores, cardiac dysrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, cataracts, cellulitis, cerebral palsy, cervical cancer, cervicitis, chapped lips, chickenpox, chlamydia, choking, cholera, cleft lips and palates, clubfoot (talipes), cold sores, colic, colitis, colon cancer, color blindness, comas, common cold, concussions, congestion, congestive heart failure, conjunctivitis, constipation, convulsions, coronary occlusions, coughs, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, cyclones, cystic fibrosis, cystitis, cysts, dandruff, dangerous plants and animals, deafness, deformities, dehydration, delirium, delirium tremens, delusions, dementia, dental problems, depression, dermatitis, detached retinas, deviated septums, diabetes, diaper rash, diarrhea, diphtheria, dislocated joints, dizziness, Down's syndrome, droughts, dysentery, dyslexia, dysphagia, dysphasia, dysuria, ear infections, earthquakes, Ebola virus, ectopic pregnancies, eczema, edema, elephantiasis, embolisms, emphysema, encephalitis, endocarditis, endometriosis, enteritis, epidemics, epididymitis, epilepsy, Epstein-Barr virus, erectile dysfunction (ED), excessive ear wax, fainting, fallen arches (flat foot), farsightedness (hyperopia), fevers, fibrillation, fibromyalgia, fibrosis, fistulas, flatulence, floods, frostbite, gallstones, ganglions, gangrene, gastrinomas, gastritis, gastroenteritis, germs, gingivitis, glaucoma, goiter, gonorrhea, gout, granuloma, Graves' disease, halitosis, hallucinations, hay fever, headaches, heart attacks, heartburn, heart murmurs, hematomas, hemiplegia, hemophilia, hemorrhages, hemorrhagic fever, hemorrhoids, hepatitis (A,B&C), hernias, herniated and slipped disks, herpes, hiccups, high blood pressure (hypertension), HIV, hives, Hodgkin's disease, humpbacks (kyphosis), Huntington's chorea, hurricanes, hydrocephalus, hyperactivity, hypercholesterolemia, hyperemia, hyperglycemia, hyperthermia, hyperthyroidism, hypertonicity, hyperuricemia, hypochondria, hypoglycemia, hypothermia, hypothyroidism, impacted teeth, incontinence, indigestion (dyspepsia), infarctions, infections, infertility, infestations, inflammations, influenza, insanity, insomnia, iritis, irritable bowels, ischemia, itches, jaundice, Karposi's sarcoma, keratitis, keratosis, kidney failure, kidney stones, knock-knees, labor pains, laryngitis, Legionnaires' disease, leprosy, lesions, lethargy, leukemia, lice, lipidosis, lipomas, liposarcoma, liver cancer, lockjaw/tetanus, lordosis, low blood pressure (hypotension), lumbago, lung cancer, lupus, Lyme disease, lymphangitis, lymphedema, lymphocytosis, lymphomas, macular degeneration, malaria, malocclusions, manias, mastitis, measles, melancholia, melanomas, meningitis, menorrhagia, menstrual cramps, mental illnesses, mental retardation, migraines, miscarriages (spontaneous abortions), mononucleosis, monsoons, morning sickness, multiple personality disorder, multiple sclerosis, multiple system atrophy, mumps, muscle cramps and spasms, muscular dystrophy, myalgia, myasthenia gravis, myelitis, narcolepsy, nausea, nearsightedness (myopia), necrosis, nephritis, nephrosis, nervous breakdowns, nervous tics, neuralgia, neuritis, neuroses, night blindness, nosebleeds, obesity, osteitis, osteodystrophy, osteoporosis, otitis, ovarian cancer, Paget's disease, pain, palsy, pancreatic cancer, paralysis, paranoia, parasitosis, Parkinson's disease, pericarditis, periodontitis, peritonitis, phantom pain, pharyngitis, phlebitis, phobias, pimples, pinched nerves, plagues, pleurisy, pneumonia, poisons, polio, Pott's disease, premature births, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), prions, prostate cancer, psoriasis, psychoses, psychosomatic illnesses, ptomaine poisoning, pulled muscles, quicksand, rabies, rashes, Raynaud's disease, resistance to curative drugs, retinitis, retinitis pigmentosa, retroviruses, Reye's syndrome, Rh incompatibility, rheumatic fever, rheumatism, rhinoviruses, rickets, riptides, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, rubella, ruptures, salmonella poisoning, sandstorms, sarcomas, scabies, scarlet fever, schizophrenia, sclerosis, scoliosis, scurvy, seizures, senility, septicemia, severe thunder storms, shingles, shock, sickle-cell anemia, skin cancer, sleep apnea, smallpox, sneezes, sore throats, sores, spastic colons, speech disorders, spina bifida, sprains, stillbirths, stomach cancer, strep throats, strokes, styes, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), sunburn, sunstroke, swelling, syphilis, tabes, tardive dyskinesia, Tay-Sachs disease, teething pains, temper tantrums, tartar, tendinitis, testicular cancer, thrombosis, tidal waves, tinnitus, TMJ, tonsillitis, tooth decay, torn cartilage, tornadoes, Tourette's syndrome, toxemia, toxic shock syndrome, transplant rejection, trauma, tremors, trench foot, trichinosis, tropical storms, tuberculosis, tumors, tunnel vision, typhoid fever, typhoons, typhus, ulcers, uremia, urethritis, uterine cancer, vaginitis, varicose veins, vertigo, viruses, vomiting, warts, whooping cough, wounds, yeast infections, yellow fever...

Atheist Alliance International


edited by August Berkshire. © 1999-2001 August Berkshire

August Berkshire is the Associate President of Minnesota Atheists and a member of the board of directors of the Atheist Alliance.


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There is an infinite depth of subtlety hidden between the lines of any metaphsyical argument (if you have ever tried to follow the abstractions of an esoteric discourse between two zen masters, you will know what I mean) and I can see that when I opened this thread, I was perhaps expecting an immediate grasp of the Cosmic dimentions that God might have faced in initiating Creation, and a deeper interest in the results that He might still be expecting from such a titanic effort of will.


So let me re-phrase in more detail.


If you were God, why would you initiate Creation?

What would be your highest expectation?

If you can determine that goal, how would you go about achieving it in practice?


It would be interesting to see various intellectual approaches to this. Most on this forum are theoretical or practical scientists. This is an exercise in basic metaphysics that legions of reclusives have asked themselves, and have retired to deserts or caves in the high Himalayas, and spent their meditating lives on. How about giving it a go yourselves for an hour or so?


You already have a Universal example of how God actually went about it, starting from BB. Some of you think He made a total mess of it. Well, where did He go wrong? What would you have done it differently? What would be your ultimate goal? Who knows, you may find out that you and God think exactly alike - or come up with alternative revelations that might have enlightened Loa Tsu, Buddha, Christ, Augustin or Aquinus and made the world a better place than it is today.



In my own meditations, I tried to follow the exact evolutionary steps God took (thanks to the efforts science has been doing on the same subject for 25 centuries and more) and then, via the results he has already achieved through the dynamics of plolarized atomic forces, tried to understand the over-all long-term self-centered purpose He had in mind. So far, I have not found a single step that He took that was wrong. This long effort has let me to certain conclusions and I was hoping to see them either validated or shown to be in error by at least one other. :rose:

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If you were God, why would you initiate Creation?



What would be your highest expectation?
To teach my companions to love each other and myself without regret.


If you can determine that goal, how would you go about achieving it in practice?
To prove my love for the companions, I would sacrifice myself for them demonstrating the truth and power of true love. Love is always about giving, never about taking. This principle applies not only for man, but for God also............................Infy
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To teach my companions to love each other and myself without regret.


To prove my love for the companions, I would sacrifice myself for them demonstrating the truth and power of true love. Love is always about giving, never about taking. This principle applies not only for man, but for God also............................Infy


Insightful post, especially about the nature of God and the virtue of giving!:)

Could you define the attributes and character of your ideal Divine companion and how you, as God, helped he or she achieve them?

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Discussing what god should have done, or could have done is indeed an interesting venture.


If I was god, I would never have made one intellegent being. Then, the beings would not have the capability of being sad, of feeling negative in anyway.


However, this is an unstable world, and shall degenerate on to itself.


There! Now they're all happy. (-Bruce Almighty)

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I thought the situation was that people either believe in god or they dont(?) For those who believe in god, god is perfect, omniscient, etc, so everything god did must by definition have been "best", whereas for those who dont believe in god, god is by definition incapable of doing anything. It doesn't seem to me that there is anything to conjecture about or discuss.

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