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Tidal Energy

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Thanks for sharing your ideas freely. Thats the spirit we will all need in the 21st Century. The time and money invested trying to establish private ownership and protect it from pirates has shipwrecked too many good ideas. Had not previously thought of harnessing the suction effect as well. If you can post a diagram on your idea it will be even more illustrative.

Best of luck on you car deal.


No problem. I have released alot of ideas. I dont have much of a problem with it because I seem to invent things of this magnitude every week to every month. Because of this I am not worried about losing ideas to others. I know I will come up with more and better ones anytime I really need to.


I emailed the idea and design to a bunch of green energy, and tide power organizations around the world. So if we hear of or see one of these tide decks in operation, you know where it came from :confused: .


If anyone has more emails of green energy companines or whatnot, list them out and I will send them designs and information too.

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Thanks for sharing your ideas freely. Thats the spirit we will all need in the 21st Century. The time and money invested trying to establish private ownership and protect it from pirates has shipwrecked too many good ideas. Had not previously thought of harnessing the suction effect as well. If you can post a diagram on your idea it will be even more illustrative.

Best of luck on you car deal.:confused:


Errin. As regards thwe difficulties of marine maintanence I get your point. But the need for energy already lies, in my opinion, beyond the artifcial constraints of money. We have endless supplies of labor. If we do not get large scale projects under construction right now, while we still have the energy to do it ( a full generation will be needed) our civilization will collapse. Not having renewable energy foresight is precisely how and why all past civilizations died out and disappeared from memory. (They chopped down the forests and when the trip out and back was no longer economically feasible, back to the jungle again.) New York City, for instance, cannot last one month without energy. We are repeating the same short-sighted energy mistake today, and this time there are no forests left to retreat back to.


I dont have acess to a digital camera so I can't post a picture of the on paper design I have in my invention book.


I hope this image will do. I whipped it up in photoshop rather quick.


Red lines=electric power lines.

Green Circles=generators

Dark blue=water

light blue=air

Grey shaft=drive shafts.


Most of the weight is to be set on the towers. The towers need to be fixed to the ground as much as possible so when the deck lifts, it does not float away.

There is,

- Tide lift power generation

- Tide flow power generation (notice the more efficient flow capturing propeller. Designed for less drag and more surface area to develope more torque and may be able to have adjustable angle of attack to maximuize water flow speed efficiency.

-Wave power generation (notice the system is designed to capture wave energy as it slams into the side of the floating deck. The wave is concentrated to the float. There is more power to the wave, and more lift to the wave. These can be surounding the deck.

- Tide drop power generation.

- water flow in and out of deck power generation (via same efficient turbine)

- air flow in and out of deck power generation (turbine)

- Windmill (not shown) on top of towers power generation.

(the concept can be modified several ways to match the best system. I thought of an idea for the deck to become portable. Instead of heavy pillars holding it to the ground it uses pillars to stand on but uses cables attatched to the sea floor to (via quick drilling lock bolt) hold itself in place. This way the deck can move location to location for best efficiency and easy repair near land. How it transports its electric power Is optional. Power lines on floaters behind the ship Keeping the cable high above the water so things can pass under. Power lines underwater. Or even wild ideas such as it generates power, then uses all that power to pump water through a series of hoses to land. At land a station takes all that pumped water and converts it to electric power for the grid. This way may lose alot of energy, but I suppose it would reduce dangers and expenses.


In a mobile and transportable design, the ship will power itself along through the water by its under water propellars. It gathers energy to move from free sources.

The waves that impact the boat/deck all around it give it electrical power to propell itself along.

The wind that blows through its windmills sail it along and generate power, depending on wind direction and destination direction.

It can store massive amounts of power simply by waiting for the tide to drop and engaging tide drop mode. As the deck drops it can store power in some form of batteries or hydrogen generation for engines. Then when ready it can disengage and float away.

The deck can be posistioned anywhere in the ocean it can contact the ground. The tide lifts and lowers in all places of the ocean. It can be placed in ocean currents, and windy locations. Or in the path of hurricanes. The deck itself is made of a series of pods. Each pod is a section of deck with a tower placed in the center of the deck square. These deck squares can operate on themselves. in the same way the entire system can. They can attatch themselves and detatch themselves from the mother system. I have even considered them attatched themselves in such a way that they would be connected by swivel systems so the entire deck itself could act as a wave floater in certian situations. Situations where the deck is not planted to the ocean floor with the pillars. The individual pod system reduces sinking chances, total system outage failures, and eases mechincal repairs and system growth and modification.


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