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Do substances that enter our body affect our thoughts?


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Lots of substances enter our body, some we take in voluntarily, other unconsiously. Some are nourishing others are termed unhealthy.


But that is with reference to the state of our body only, what about their influence on our mind.


I am sure most of us a aware of the influence that alcoholic drinks have on our thoughts, some of us are also aware of the influence of endogenous substances. But, what I wonder, is about the normal food items: a traditional vegetarian lunch versus a Hotdog, an omelette versus a sausage:QuestionM

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Well, if nothing else, our metabolism and blood flow will be directed variably based on what we ingest, thus taking blood flow away from parts of the brain (sending it into the belly). But certain foods cause release or neurotransmitters which make us feel happy... like carbs. You might also find a lot of interest in the work of aromatherapy (also, aromachology), which has repeatedly been shown to effect mood and personal sense of well-being. Food is highly related to the olfactory system (i.e. aroma and taste).



Cheers. :)

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Thanks Infinitenow, your reply is in consonance with your position. Obviously no one can expect an editor to stray away from the beaten track!:cup:


Anyway, since I am not an editor, I enjoy a bit more freedom:)


The genesis of this question in my mind is several personal experiences. For example, whenever I eat something very spicy or a nonvegetarian dish ( i am generally a vegetarian by choice); I find that I get somewhat excited, may be a bit voilent too.


I am reminded of the classification of food in traditional Hindu culture as Tamsic and Satvic and rajasic.


The word tamsic has its roots in the word tamas; tamas (originally "darkness", "obscurity") means "too inactive", negative, lethargic, dull, or slow. Usually it is associated with darkness, delusion, or ignorance.


Similarly the word sattva (originally "being, existence, entity") has been translated to mean balance, order, or purity and rajas (originally "atmosphere, air, firmament") has been translated to mean overactivity or turmoil: "too active". A person with this mental state has a mind that is ever active, in turmoil, or in a chaotic state.


According to the culture not only the chemical ingredients of the food determine its effect on the mind but also the mind of the cook while making the dish.


Weird!! isn't it?:hihi:

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The word sattvic has its origin in the sanskrit word satt which translated into english would be truth. Thus sattvic food induces thoughts directed towards truth.


A few words about the sattvic food would be in place!


Sattvic foods are light (as opposed to heavy) in nature, easy to digest, mildly cooling, refreshing and not disturbing to the mind. They are best prepared with love and awareness, but if taken in anger, it can have a disturbing effect like any other food. On the other hand, you can sometimes take less than pure food and still overcome its impurities with pure thoughts while eating it. The idea ultimately is to absorb that which is nourishing and eliminate that which is not--and to keep our thoughts positive, especially when eating or preparing food.


Fresh Organic Fruits: Most fruits, including apples, apricots, bananas, berries, dates, grapes, melons, lemons, mangoes, oranges, peaches and plums, are considered especially sattvic. Sometimes yogis go on fruit fasts, where they avoid all foods except fruit and fruit juices, when doing a special sadhana (advanced practice) or have undertaken a vow. Fruit is also considered symbolic of generosity and spirituality and is often exchanged as an offering or a gift.


More about tamasic foods, next time?:)

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The word sattvic has its origin in the sanskrit word satt which translated into english would be truth. Thus sattvic food induces thoughts directed towards truth.


A few words about the sattvic food would be in place!


Sattvic foods are light (as opposed to heavy) in nature, easy to digest, mildly cooling, refreshing and not disturbing to the mind. They are best prepared with love and awareness, but if taken in anger, it can have a disturbing effect like any other food. On the other hand, you can sometimes take less than pure food and still overcome its impurities with pure thoughts while eating it. The idea ultimately is to absorb that which is nourishing and eliminate that which is not--and to keep our thoughts positive, especially when eating or preparing food.


Fresh Organic Fruits, Nuts, Seeds and Oils, whole grains, legumes and some herbs are considered to be sattvic.


Most fruits, including apples, apricots, bananas, berries, dates, grapes, melons, lemons, mangoes, oranges, peaches and plums, are considered especially sattvic. Yogis often go on fruit fasts, where they avoid all foods except fruit and fruit juices, when doing a special sadhana (advanced practice) or have undertaken a vow. Fruit is therefore often considered symbolic of generosity and spirituality and is often exchanged as an offering or a gift in traditional Indian spiritualism.


More about tamasic foods, next time?:)

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Meat, chicken, fish, eggs, drugs, and alcohol are all considered tamasic.


One may now wonder, can there be any scientific basis to such a classification?


At best, it is an hypothesis, based on the thoughts of some ancient sages. But there can be a basis to their thoughts.


Let me try!


If it is assumed that thoughts infect all substances, especially food items, there is a possible explanation. Food items that have a benovalent source are called satvic. Thus fruits vegetables, nuts in fact almost all fod items that have botanical source are considered satvic because the source parts from the product willingly, it is not forced to part with it.


Non vegetarian food products are procured from rather unwilling sources and pain invariably accmpanies their production. This feeling of pain and revenge is hypothesized to enter the food item and it is therefore assumed that the human being who partakes such food is infected with such thoughts.


One may wonder, where does one place dairy products say milk and butter, both of which are a part of vegetarian diet. Ibn the Hindu tradition milk procured from an animal who is tended with care, is satvic because it is a surplus which the animal willingly gives away. Thus milk from dairies where animals are injected with drugs to produce more milk cannot be satvic.


Exotic thoughts indeed, more of them next time:)

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This article talks about Eating grains& milk how they may affect behaviour and perhaps even genetic structure.




I met a young woman on an aboriginal-bush-food weekend. She had problems with wheat (as I do).


We got to talking. She told me she had a high-powered job in broadcasting. When she knew she was going to go to a testerone -filled male-dominated meeting she made sure she had a sandwich an hour or two before the meeting.

The wheat would make her more aggressive/assertive and thus she was able to compete with the men and make her views known.

I found this a fascinating use of her intolerance/allergy.


I find too much MSG affects me like amphetamine

I get incedibly speedy, my heart thumps, I can't sleep.

Then 12-18 hours later I colapse and sleep followed by a day or too of "Fuzzy Brain"; being unable to think clearly, unable to cope with too many demands on me and being generally techy.

I have only got a bad dose of MSG from a Japanese restaurant that spread the MSG on BBQed vegetables with a huge salt shaker again and agian as the veggies were cooking.


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Very Good Michael!:naughty:


Your experiences do indicate that our food does (and can) affect our thought processes in ways different than thase known to the nutritional scientists and biologists in general. (see for example the views expressed by Infinitenow earlier on this thread.


Well, if nothing else, our metabolism and blood flow will be directed variably based on what we ingest, thus taking blood flow away from parts of the brain (sending it into the belly). But certain foods cause release or neurotransmitters which make us feel happy... like carbs. You might also find a lot of interest in the work of aromatherapy (also, aromachology), which has repeatedly been shown to effect mood and personal sense of well-being. Food is highly related to the olfactory system (i.e. aroma and taste).

Cheers. :confused:

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The genesis of this question in my mind is several personal experiences. For example, whenever I eat something very spicy or a nonvegetarian dish ( i am generally a vegetarian by choice); I find that I get somewhat excited, may be a bit voilent too.


I am reminded of the classification of food in traditional Hindu culture as Tamsic and
and rajasic.

And perhaps it's just your reaction to the endorphin release... ever heard of Occam's razor?





Capsaicin has been associated with many cures that include lowering blood pressure, reducing cholesterol and warding off strokes and heart attacks, speeding up metabolism, treating colds and fevers, preventing cancer and pain control. Capsaicin is a flavorless, odorless chemical concentrated in the veins of chiles and peppers.
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Interesting input indeed dear Infinitenow!:cup: Your input would be good food for my future thoughts;)


Continuing with my thoughts, i came up with the following ideas.


The experiences shared by Michael are indeed very interesting. One can rightfully ask, "how is it that wheat products, which are considered to be satvic can have rajsic effect?


By the way, according to the Ayurveda, rajsic substances are those substances which overstimulate the mind.


MSG can be very rightfully termed rajsic, but why wheat:confused:


I think, the confusion may be cleared if one brings into consideration the modern farm practices used for mass production of wheat. The wise Rishis could never have dreamt of such practices, so they might have termed all wheat prodycts as satvic.


Another moot point, Are all plant products satvic. I am aware of many plant products which have been known in traditional indian culture that have rajsic effect. Why is it so?


I would say that the effect a particular substance has on a mind depends on its state. A stable mind may find a particular substance useful, which for an unstable mind may be damaging. I am reminded of the talk endogenous substances by our dear pal Orbscyli, I would say that small quantities of entheogenic substances ( which are termed rajsic) may indeed have satvic effect on the very creative mind of our dear friend. I am also reminded of the popular practice of consuming bhaang, a plant product, during the Holi festival in India. I do believe that the rishis would have experimented with grass, opium etc to stimulate their thought processes:) :) :hihi: :lol:

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Very good information Hallenrm!


The Satvic foods you mention I think are easier to digest and have higher nutrient density. :lol:

That might be obvious, but important to what you are saying.


Digestion takes a lot of blood away from other organs and muscles.


To the "metaphysical" aspects, that you shared, I agree. It has to do with the "Chi" or "Prana" thing that has been discussed, but not proven :)


My kung-fu teacher told me that fruits and vegetables are best right when picked! when the plant "chi" is richest.

Meat is a no-no in strict Buddhism, because they say it increases your desires. :lol: (and an animal must be killed)


From a physiological perspective, however, some meat is good for you, and it is indead an evolutionary trait from our Hunter-Gatherer ancestors.


Its another East meets West difference. With both sides being right about several things.


To answer your thread question, Do substances (especially food) that enter our bodies affect our thoughts? Yes!

They affect our energy levels, which affect our thoughts. They affect our Nutrient balances, which affect our thoughts.


I'll be reading this thread Hallen! It is important and interesting. :D

I've got my hands full with many threads :cup: , but I will see what else I can find! :hihi:

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Stop feeding someone Vitamin B3 (niacin, nicotinic acid or nicotanamide) and watch them develop all the symptoms of schizophrenia.( now known as the B3 deficiency disease Pellagra)

The US in the 1920/ 30s? emptied out half their asylums (mostly the poor) when they put back the Vitamin B3, that had been destroyed by processing, into bread




"Involved in general metabolism. Deficiency can lead to irritability, loss of memory and dementia, dermatitis and headache.

Side effects: Moderate to high doses may alter liver function tests and can aggravate diabetes and cause depression. High doses may cause actual liver damage. These effects wear off after stopping the supplements. It can also cause uncomfortable flushing of the shin, but this usually passes off.

N.B. The B3 in maize corn has to be liberated with alkali or hot ash before it is available to the body."


see also




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Moving away from the food items a bit, because food items are not the only substances that enter our body.


Air, water, and substances suspended or dissolved in them also enter our body!


What happens when we inhale polluted air, or drink polluted water:QuestionM,

What effects do the microorganisms or their products have on our thoughts.


Let me begin with the microorganisms. Almost each one of us takes in products of fermentation, be it bread, beer or wine. We are all unconciously aware of the effects of an alcoholic drink on our thoughts. Reflect for a moment and perhaps some thoughts will reappear.


What about pathogens that result in an infection or fever. Is our thought process affected during illness.


Again I would call for some reflection from the readers, and request for any inputs they think useful for the thread:) :QuestionM

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What about molecules to which are olfactory senses are very sensitive?


I am talking about perfumes and foul smelling stuff. Why do we want to use the former and avoid the later?


Perfume manufacturers advertise the sexual appeal of their products and their is indeed a huge market for them, a sufficient testimony for their efficiency in modyfying our thoughts. A different kinds of perfumed substances, say sandal wood products are often promoted to cause mental peace. Ancient Indian sages, used several herbs in the fire for their rituals!:)


Now, about the foul smells! They seem to inhibit all thoughts. The thought to run away from the source dominates all other thoughts!:)

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The perfume companies have been doing some research on human phernomes of late (last 10-15 years)

I saw one study where male phernomes were placed on one of two chairs in a room. Statistically more women sat on the phernome covered chair than the one not perfumed.

Vice versa for males

I think there may be one perfume on the market with phenomes included but mostly its hype.


Aromatherapists believe smells can effect/affect mood.

I have seen Essential Oil of lavender (various types) calm hyperactive kids.

It is often said to be a calming fragrance.


Most plants produce fragrant oils either to kill bacteria and fungi or to attract pollinators.

(Butterflies squished up smell like the flower they pollinate!):) :)

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The Olfactory organs have a quick and powerful links to our brains!


I began talking about Aromatherapy a while ago:



and now that you guys are here and know some stuff, it can be a real discourse.


Some of my Macho guy friends think its gay, But I know the chicks dig it!


I think it has real benefit, and value. :)

I am also working on making my own. They are a little on the expensive side..


Tinctures is another hobby I am delving into! :)

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What about molecules to which are olfactory senses are very sensitive?


A different kinds of perfumed substances, say sandal wood products are often promoted to cause mental peace. Ancient Indian sages, used several herbs in the fire for their rituals!:)


Yes HallenRM!


Sandal wood is very good Incense.

Nag Champa is also recommended. :)


Those cheap, artificial perfumes make me sick...


Please discuss this more. :D

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