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Message from Rhythmic Exoplanets points to God


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SIR HOPE..... Okay I know statistics is not the strongest suit many of us have, however with the sheer number of solar systems in our galaxy alone, the statistical likelihood that there is even ONE system which exhibits a "Rhythm" during any of it's orbital bodies' transits is exponentially high, given a long enough timeline. So there is that little bit there. Then I must obviously take some umbridge with the whole "Now add this random number" mathematical gymnastics - this of course dismissing entirely the fact that I can see absolutely no correlation between any data sets, there are no additional data sets to examine, and the collection method of the data sets in question is entirely erroneous.

This also does not begin to touch on some less obvious modifiers such as alien alterations to orbital trajectories, closer examination of the bodies themselves, and a determination that there is no life on any of said orbital bodies which could conceivably have the technology to transmit the message you interpreted as "natural" when in fact it is more likely to be synthetically-produced (Like a satellite, or some other means of transmission).

Finally, I must address the Elephant in the room......

6 hours ago, obliqueweaponsfb said:

Yep nothing but an CIA thing.

Why or how do electrons pull to spot's forming an pattern with double slit shot test exprement test?

A. Magically?

B. It's an computer program and probibilty dosen't exist meaning sequenced?

Which one is it then? I proved we live in an computer simulation program universe.

So you think star dust just formed a complected brain that stores memory? A liver kidney and pancreas that all filter out or pump enzymes into the body stabilising adjusting levels up and down to just right in your body? People are on drugs if you think it's a Miricle... even then impossible to many functions are an Miricle.

Like I said I'm Psychic and can do premonitions? What does Oblique weapons Facebook page say about an rare earthquake in America? Says it was going to happen then it did.

End of story...Proven.









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13 hours ago, obliqueweaponsfb said:

Why or how do electrons pull to spot's forming an pattern with double slit shot test exprement test?

Ever heard of wave interference?  Electrons do not pull  to a spot,  they are mathematically guided to a spot via a wave function.


Edited by write4u
visual demonstration.
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Question; I firing single particles still produce a wave interference pattern is that not evidence of an a priori existing guiding wave (independent of the particle) which directs each particle to their probable destination.

I am referring to  the deBroglie-Bohm  Pilot Wave theory which proposes that the entire universe consists of dynamical quantum fields which naturally exhibit wave interference patterns, regardless of the presence of particles.

IMO this mathematical model allowed for the creation of an environment that allowed for the discovery of the Higgs boson 

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This is a perfect demonstration of wave interference "patterns" created by soundwaves travelling over a metal plate.



p.s. which demonstrates the Chaos Theory which models patterns emerging from chaotic conditions and from very small causalities..

And also demonstrates the Bohm Pilot Wave model which "guides" particles into specific patterns dictated by external conditions.

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18 hours ago, VictorMedvil said:

This proves nothing besides you are batshit crazy. Anyone that believes in god is crazy and delusional. anyone that believes themselves as god is batshit crazy and needing of being in the mental asylum. How many times have you been in the loonie ward(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychiatric_hospital)?

So what your saying is that God can't walk the planet?.

Well delusional guy what is an premonition? Who is said to be able to do them?

What are you saying about my live premonition on Facebook that come true that even confirms i caused the New Zealand volcano? How did I know that was going to happen?

My mum confirmed my premonition of Ampol petrol station in 1993 witch petrol station is now called Caltex and it's logo is of a God sun/star and the petrol tanker there now has my initials on it's name?

All the evidence is staked up against you.

2031861960_Screenshot_20201011-0409062.png.601ed467cac280ff8ff103565f6f6989.pngagainst you mate.


Look forward to your reply?

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6 hours ago, write4u said:


Ever heard of wave interference?  Electrons do not pull  to a spot,  they are mathematically guided to a spot via a wave function.


That's incorrect because probibilty would come into play?

So your proven dead wrong as a wave only ever hits two spots/lines then why with an camera do they then hut 5 spots/lines if it's an wave? Already proven wrong because it's sequenced if probibilty dosen't exist?

Can't wait for your replay?

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12 hours ago, Rasti said:

SIR HOPE..... Okay I know statistics is not the strongest suit many of us have, however with the sheer number of solar systems in our galaxy alone, the statistical likelihood that there is even ONE system which exhibits a "Rhythm" during any of it's orbital bodies' transits is exponentially high, given a long enough timeline. So there is that little bit there. Then I must obviously take some umbridge with the whole "Now add this random number" mathematical gymnastics - this of course dismissing entirely the fact that I can see absolutely no correlation between any data sets, there are no additional data sets to examine, and the collection method of the data sets in question is entirely erroneous.

This also does not begin to touch on some less obvious modifiers such as alien alterations to orbital trajectories, closer examination of the bodies themselves, and a determination that there is no life on any of said orbital bodies which could conceivably have the technology to transmit the message you interpreted as "natural" when in fact it is more likely to be synthetically-produced (Like a satellite, or some other means of transmission).

Finally, I must address the Elephant in the room......



Yeah but proves we live in an computer program universe?


God don't the CIA already know the word Afterlife jail = an eternity? That's right that's why use can't reply logic.

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2 hours ago, obliqueweaponsfb said:

So your proven dead wrong as a wave only ever hits two spots/lines then why with an camera do they then hut 5 spots/lines if it's an wave? Already proven wrong because it's sequenced if probibilty dosen't exist?

That is incorrect.  In the double slit experiment the interference pattern registers on the phtographic plate regardless if there is an observer.  The term "observer" is used for any object or "function" that interacts with a wave form.


The need for the "observer" to be conscious is not supported by scientific research, and has been pointed out as a misconception rooted in a poor understanding of the quantum wave function ψ and the quantum measurement process,[4][5][6] apparently being the generation of information at its most basic level that produces the effect. 



It does not seem peculiar that only the part of the wave function being observed is the part that collapses on the surface of the "observer" and goes missing from the main path to the target.  Maybe this may be an expression of quantum entanglement?


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5 hours ago, obliqueweaponsfb said:

Yeah but proves we live in an computer program universe?


God don't the CIA already know the word Afterlife jail = an eternity? That's right that's why use can't reply logic.

"Logic"? What has been logical about anything you have said? lol stop doing meth.

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4 hours ago, write4u said:

That is incorrect.  In the double slit experiment the interference pattern registers on the phtographic plate regardless if there is an observer.  The term "observer" is used for any object or "function" that interacts with a wave form.



It does not seem peculiar that only the part of the wave function being observed is the part that collapses on the surface of the "observer" and goes missing from the main path to the target.  Maybe this may be an expression of quantum entanglement?


Incorrect as the wave it's self is programmed to hit 2 spot's how does it then hit 5 spots with a camera watching?

Also the wave it's self is a program posining them at areas.

You forget there is no probibilty? Two electrons even if tested 10 trillion times in that small area never hit the same spot twice? Computer program 100%.

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1 hour ago, Rasti said:

"Logic"? What has been logical about anything you have said? lol stop doing meth.

Proven Scientist never said it was consciouss so why did he put 2 slits there for? To let it make an decision. Busted lying not telling the truth in many ways. I do explain why.

Your in place to cover it up working for the CIA. Read it trying to wipe me out. Can the grate wall of China stop and track you? Can it control your search engine? Please.

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47 minutes ago, obliqueweaponsfb said:

Incorrect as the wave it's self is programmed to hit 2 spot's how does it then hit 5 spots with a camera watching?

A wave is not programmed to act as a particle, it is a wave and waves create interference patterns. Any object that is carried by a wave will experience the effects of the interference patterns and their target becomes probabilistic according to the shape of the interference patterns.

Read up on waves and how they behave. 

Image173.jpg notice the introduction of probability where any given particle may end up?

Image174.jpg notice the emerging probabilistic interference pattern ? From chaos emerges order!



The exposure is longer and longer going from (a) to (d). In (d) it is quite clear that there is an interference pattern. What makes this result so remarkable is that the source in this case was a beam of electrons! Now, electrons are particles that have a mass, like a rock or a baseball. Until the early 1900�s no one ever imagined that the matter that we are made of could be a wave. Many types of waves were understood, such as sound and light waves as well as the phenomenon of interference. So, when an interference pattern was made with electrons it proved that electrons were actually waves. This completely changed the course of physics and led to quantum mechanics and much of the modern technology that we take for granted.

The wavelength of sound waves in much greater than the wavelength of matter waves, so the interference of sound is much easier to observe, and indeed you will hear this clearly in one of the labs. As sound bounces around a room, it forms a very complex interference pattern that is hard to predict, but can lead to spots in the room that are loud due to constructive interference and spots that are soft due to destructive interference.....more.




The deBroglie-Bohm Pilot Wave theory, proposes that the electrons are are particles at all times, but are carried by the interference patterns of the Pilot wave when it passes the double slits.   This produces almost identical effects as the Copenhagen Interpretation, but requires the addition of a universal wave function.

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1 hour ago, obliqueweaponsfb said:

Proven Scientist never said it was consciouss so why did he put 2 slits there for? To let it make an decision. Busted lying not telling the truth in many ways. I do explain why.

Your in place to cover it up working for the CIA. Read it trying to wipe me out. Can the grate wall of China stop and track you? Can it control your search engine? Please.

1. Proven by what scientists. Name them each.
2. Science is not about decisions, but about our willingness to study and research FACTS.
3. You have not explained any more than what your fallacious and preposterous claims have 'illuminated' for us all to laugh at.
4. *Great Wall of China. And as an inanimate object, it can do nothing but decay, like my brain after reading your silly claims.
5. So according to you, I am just a CIA plant placed here specifically to roast you for your hijacking of threads, unsubstantiated silly claims. Then when I confront you, you backpedal and ignore prompts to produce any level of measurable proof. Right......

Did not know the CIA was hiring Hibachi Chefs. That's great news!

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