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Apparent contradictions in the Bible


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Have fun Irish! (now before she gets back....)

o_O What? I said one religion offers free salvation. I did not say Jesus was the only religious martyr.
Absolutely right, it was Potatohead who said:
It is the only religion where the God gave sacrifice so that we may know Him and He may know us.
and you just agreed with him, but that's what I was reacting to.
Sinful behavior is never OK in Christianity. (Just because works can't save doesn't mean they can't condemn.)
But then its really not "free"! If sin has an impact, then you're required you to do/not do other things as a prerequisite... In fact, even avoiding sins--mortal or venial--living a selfish but unsinful life being good enough lets Scrooge in too, over and above the folks who have the wrong faith. Same point....
And I've already demonstrated how Buddism and Hinduism don't have gods (and the myriad of offshoots from each) and the God that Jews, Christians, and Muslims worship are the same deity. What other gods are you talking about, besides those derived from physical objects such as the Sun or cows?
You've got a very limited definition of God here, and I actually believe that the God of the OT is not the same as the God of the NT and the gal in the Koran is different still, claims by interpreters of these works to the contrary notwithstanding the scrutiny of the very different worldviews these deities describe! And that's actually getting back on topic, because the Benevolent God of the NT is inconsistent with Yahweh, the wrathful and demanding God of the OT! (Hopefully that gets me dispensation from Irish for this post!). If its not your "one God", then its gotta be either "no god" or a cow? Are you serious?


Now south, happy to engage you on these issues in another thread, but that's the extent of my points here.... New thread, HO!




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Buffy don't read so far into my statement to say that Christianity is the only way. Even though as a Christian that is what I am supposed to believe, I at least respect other people's choices.


With that said, all I said was that Christianity is the only religion where the God wants to get to know His followers so much that -->He<-- makes the sacrifice. And so I am not taken completely out of context, I also said that means something to ME, which means that is why I choose this belief set. I did not say that everyone else should believe the same thing. And finally, while you condemn me for apparently persecuting other religions, please stop stripping me of my personal choice. Thanks! :)

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And finally, while you condemn me for apparently persecuting other religions, please stop stripping me of my personal choice. Thanks! :)
Everyone is free to hate, but hating isn't free! I promise not to condemn you, just be aware that "I chose this one because" can be easily misinterpreted as "Mine is superior to yours" especially when its combined with selfish misrepretations of other's beliefs, which by the way I did NOT see in your posts, only in South's... I do like your posts! Keep em coming!


<Irish>Now, another thread, please!</Irish>




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Everyone is free to hate, but hating isn't free! I promise not to condemn you, just be aware that "I chose this one because" can be easily misinterpreted as "Mine is superior to yours" especially when its combined with selfish misrepretations of other's beliefs, which by the way I did NOT see in your posts, only in South's... I do like your posts! Keep em coming!


<Irish>Now, another thread, please!</Irish>





Then I guess we forgive each other. Isn't there a thread on language already? :)

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<Irish>Now, another thread, please!</Irish>

Was I just busted lurking? :)

I'm supposed to be packing up my clothes right now, but I couldn't resist. No, Buff, you're not busted. Yet :D Thanks for keeping it in line. :D


I think the important thing to remember is that we all have very individual beliefs, whether that includes God, gods, cows, or none of the above. While you may personally believe that your 'truth' is the correct one ("Jesus saves", or "Jesus was a prophet", or "Jesus never even lived"), it's also very important to remember that the person sitting next to you on the bus (or the person reading your post), may not only not share your personal belief, they may find it incredibly offensive.

This makes it difficult to convert people to your way of thinking, especially if your particular religion demands sharing its beliefs with others in the hopes of conversion of the masses (whether by choice, or at the tip of the sword). We are in a very unique position here that allows us to discuss, debate, and disagree, while still having our voices heard. I think that discussion is healthy. Debate is exciting. Disagreement is inevitable. But we still can achieve harmony here if we remember that none of us has a corner on the truth, regardless of what you may believe. Your church (or pool hall, or liquor store) is not going to please everyone. The best you can do is be clear in what you write, and hope that the person reading it will understand what you meant.

Christianity can seem like a very arrogant religion. I know that. Yet it is filled with people that should try to be humble and meek. Anyone else seeing the irony? "My God is bigger than your God" will not win anyone to Christ. But having the attitude that He had just might do the trick.


New threads, people. New threads... :)

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