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Hall of mirrors.....


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i was musing over an idea which basically looks at the stars we see in the sky ........... can any of them be the same star?

I was looking at Orions belt and imagined the centre star of the trio producing the light of the other two ...


Sure its unlikely that the belt stars are of the same star ... but the concept led me to try and rationalise such an event occuring .


If for example a star radiated light in all directions and the light that travelled left came close to a black hole and was bent by 89.999999 degrees and travelled toward earth ... and similarly the light from the same star travelled right and encountered a different black hole , again bent at 89.99999 towards earth ...


Would observers on earth see three stars ...... one bright .. and 2 red shifted .........


I say 89.999999 deg as im unsure to what extent a black hole can bend light if a tall ....and even if the light once bent would ever escape



Any how the concept is simple is it possible that what we see in the night sky is a product of many of these black hole influences ......... that many stars are seen but there are infact less stars than we see ................... Like a hall of mirrors effect ....


Of course our telescope observations would also be subject to illussion ... so could you even detect if its true or not..


Its probably that i dont know enough about what light can do .. or maybe theres something in it ......... please reply.... :)

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It is possible to determing the star's material through analysing the star's light. If two stars have exactly the same spectrum, I believe that it possible to determine the distance from the earth. If still the star seems the same, then it is possible, though not likely, that it could be the same star.

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you said it yourself... :)


because should orions belt only have one star then every nation on earth that noticed the formation was in fact not seeing three stars but the same one.. ... .. .. . i know i keep saying humans are dense but that would be too unbelievable a piece of evidence... (i might have to take myself seriously :D )

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Science Fact! Uncle Albert first proposed it, and there's lots of evidence: take a look!




I'm not enough of an expert at the math, so I'll leave the question of 90-degree bending to someone who actually knows. I've never seen anything beyond some of the pics shown in the link above, but if the black hole was REALLY big (and really close I imagine), then it might appear majorly bent!




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I don't know about single stars, but there are examples of galaxies which are observed twice. This is due to gravitational lensing, which means that the light from a galaxy is bent around another object (another galaxy, for example) so that half of the light passes on one side, the other half on the other side (oversimplification). It will appear as two galaxies, but it will be the same.


This has led some to ask whether the universe actually is much smaller than what we think. Maybe a lot of the galaxies are simply repeated, like in your "hall of mirrors" analogy. Such a study was indeed performed, and showed no evidence of this.



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