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Can you first show clear evidence that monkeys DO meditate? Also, are there any particular species to which you're referring? Different groups of monkeys developed and evolved along different time lines, so that would be a factor in the discussion as well.


However, per your question:


When do you think Monkeys started meditating and what are your opinions regarding what caused them to do so?


...it would seem that giving evidence they meditate at all would be a proper first step.



Ohhhhmmmm.... :thumbs_up

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When did WE start meditating?

Did the fungi teach us?

Was it some ancient information passed around the galaxy like a bottle of Jack?

I was wondering if there was any evidence from observing bone structures, we could see when our species started getting tangled, and down to earth.


I wonder what kind of aliens right now in the universe are . . . meditating.

So scientists don't really know or care when we started to meditate?


I was just curious, thought I'd ask the Hypopartitionoftheworldinternet.

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No offense, but I definitely do not need an explaination of meditation.


I was only curious about it's origin, if there had been any scientific studies, but alas,

I formulated my own theory and it's in my mind where it belongs. Thanks for your help.

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