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Mantra, Resonance, Pineal


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Kundalini yoga teaches that through the reciting of mantras, the pineal gland can be stimulated which secretes.


This is done by repeating mantras at certain frequencies and allowing your throat to resonate throughout itself and all the chambers of the Head.


What does the pineal secrete?


And is this even true?


In my praxis, I have found that the simple hypnagogic imagery that occurs like clouds behind our eyes morphs into vivid hallucinations right after the mantras have been recited, and my breathing has been slowed to roughly four breaths per minute.


These visions doth occur without the mantra, it just takes about 20 more minutes of meditation.


Anyone with any light?

Sat nam,


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Dawn, dusk, and anywhere inbetween.


Is melatonin the only .. . Chemical? that the pineal gland secretes?


Pineal is pretty much only known for the melatonin secretion that influences daily biorythyms.


I think perhaps the visions and imagery are from your brain switching its wave pattern to Delta waves through relaxing, breathing and reciting mantras. :turtle:

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Brain During Meditation - Crystalinks

Daniel Goleman & Tara Bennett-Goleman (2001), suggest that meditation works because of the relationship between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex.Simply put, the amygdala is the part of the brain that decides if we should get angry or anxious (among other things), and the pre-frontal cortex is the part that makes us stop and think about things (it is also known as the inhibitory centre).


Brain wave Functions Alpha  Beta Theta Brainwaves



The final brainwave state is delta. Here the brainwaves are of the greatest amplitude and slowest frequency. They typically center around a range of 1.5 to 4 cycles per second. They never go down to zero because that would mean that you were brain dead. But, deep dreamless sleep would take you down to the lowest frequency. Typically, 2 to 3 cycles a second


Long-term Meditators Self-induce High-amplitude Gamma Synchrony During Mental Practice -- Meditation Alters Structure of the Brain

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Kundalini yoga teaches that through the reciting of mantras, the pineal gland can be stimulated which secretes.


This is done by repeating mantras at certain frequencies and allowing your throat to resonate throughout itself and all the chambers of the Head.


While people have concentrated on the meditation effects on the mind, I for one have been often wondering about the effect of pronouncing a word on the mind. Mind you meditation does not necessarily require reciting a mantra. One can meditate sans reciting a mantra.


I have experienced that repeated recitation of the word OM, has some effects on the human mind and body. I mentioned it in an earlier thread initiated by myself



In my opinion these effects could be either due to rhythmic breathing, or by the resonance of a mind to the universal conciousness.:turtle:

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