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The most important issue in space exploration


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What are the most important issues we have now in space exploration area? As we can see now space explorations are developing very rapidly and by doing this, it causes a lot of issues to solve. Humans have a lot of stuff to figure out to get closer to particular purpose and which one do you consider is the most important and must be solved the first?

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  • 2 months later...

The high risk of Kessler syndrome. Earlier it was a theory, but now more and more experts agree that we gradually move closer to it.  The rising number of objects in LEO poses a risk for many of us, and space tug skyrora manufactures is supposed to help us to fix this problem at least a little bit. However, space tug isn't the only spacecraft that can be used for this purpose. 

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23 hours ago, SpaceTourist33 said:

The high risk of Kessler syndrome. Earlier it was a theory, but now more and more experts agree that we gradually move closer to it.  The rising number of objects in LEO poses a risk for many of us, and space tug skyrora manufactures is supposed to help us to fix this problem at least a little bit. However, space tug isn't the only spacecraft that can be used for this purpose. 

Yeah, the space debris issue became very significant nowadays. It can badly damage spacecrafts and this damage can put under risk whole space mission which usually costs a fortune.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And I am looking forward to the ``cleaning`` space mission which is called ‘The Claw’ and it`s gonna be launched in 2025. The big number of space junk can damage expensive spacecrafts The growing number of space items can lead to the state where he object density is so high that one collision is enough to generate a cascade effect, leading to further collisions.

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