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Can quantum entanglement be instantly possible across the whole universe?



Yes, the quantum field doesn’t care about distance. It doesn’t use the spatial dimensions of spacetime. Entanglement is a wave only activity. The particles are not real/physical until measured. The quantum field sees entanglement as a single entity. After measurement, they are not waves anymore. The wave has been split in two. This is why one gets the opposite spin as the other.
I think entanglement has a new aspect to it that we didn't know about. To answer the measurement problem, is it necessary to consider a particle can be entangled with its future self?



The quantum field doesn’t have restrictions on future time for decoherence events. Information isn’t being sent, only state. This is all happening with a single wave. Entanglement is seen as a single wave to the Quantum Field. The decoherence event is tapping the front of the wave to be physical at the start of it. Think of it more like how a wave that just went through both slits of a double slit experiment is entangled with itself.

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