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Sovereign Citizen And Other Mental Illnesses


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I don't know how many of you have heard of the group "Sovereign Citizen", but these folks are clearly delusional in their belief that they have some sort of innate right that allows them to pick and choose what laws they will obey and which they will ignore.  Here is a brief primer on the "movement".




I had a movement this morning that was equally as valid.

Edited by fahrquad
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I would tend to agree that too many people think they are entitled to something, something to do with Modern culture we are given so much. I think this is this is the reason for movements such as this, but in reality it is true that the world doesn't owe you anything if you would have asked people that question 500 years ago, they would say that you owed this world or God something rather than anyone owing you anything personally. I believe this tends to show how spoiled humans have become as a species to think that the World owes them something that is false. Tomorrow a super advanced species could come take from you everything you own, all this to say even greater some people think that the universe owes them something it doesn't either.

Edited by VictorMedvil
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  • 2 weeks later...

I would tend to agree that too many people think they are entitled to something, something to do with Modern culture we are given so much. I think this is this is the reason for movements such as this, but in reality it is true that the world doesn't owe you anything if you would have asked people that question 500 years ago, they would say that you owed this world or God something rather than anyone owing you anything personally. I believe this tends to show how spoiled humans have become as a species to think that the World owes them something that is false. Tomorrow a super advanced species could come take from you everything you own, all this to say even greater some people think that the universe owes them something it doesn't either.

There's little doubt about the reason why the right in America consider that they're not entitled to anything. They're promoting the American way of the government not being responsible to the people to give them rights and freedoms, etc. The American right has been schooled to see that as their own responsibility to construct for themselves and then claim.


This justifies the notion in their minds that the wealthy justly earned all they have in America. It's meant to continually put down any ideas of the system being fixed to give more and more leg up for the wealthy..


It appears that the political left has at least started the ball rolling on the fact of the huge and growing income inequality under Trump. All it calls for is for ordinary Americans to escape from their brainwashed condition. Have you noticed that all the Dem hopefuls have the same idea on that?


Let's see if they can be convinced to sh-t in their own nests again by calling all those hopefuls communists? 

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  • 2 months later...



I believe that certain inalienable rights exist a priori, but so what?


Reality may include certain rights, but it does not include any means to enforce said rights. Without the means to enforce them, rights do little good except as starting points for ground-laying.


This correlates with one of my most profound observations.


When someone is wronged and he has some effective recourse available, he puts most of his time and effort into pursuing redress, revenge or whatever.


The man who laments long and bitterly that his rights are being violated—even if he has legitimate grievances—is advertising his own impotence to do anything but complain.


The Sovereign Citizens make me cringe, because when have The Powers That Be given a flying leap about arguments based on someone's perception of "Right and Reason"?


All they care about is raw power and the status quo.



…..Saxon Violence

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