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Image Makeover


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What is the fastest and cost effective way to do an image makeover ?




* Sport a moustache or a beard Cost : zero

* Change your hairstyle Cost : zero

* Work out in the mornings through Yoga Cost : zero

* Trim your sideburns Cost : zero

* Quit smoking Cost : Here you actually save !




* Tie your hair in a bun Cost : zero

* Drink more water for a water detox Cost : zero

* Take a siesta (for housewives) Cost : zero

* Cut down on alcohol (women are more easily affected than Men on account of their lower muscle mass). Cost : zero

* Take a digital detox (cut down on watching tear-jerkers and soaps, as they drain the psyche). Cost : zero


Do you agree ?  :out:  :out:  :out:  :out: 

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Put on a hat.


Works for both men and women but women have many more varieties to choose from.


Put on a hat.


Works for both men and women but women have many more varieties to choose from.


Unlike my illustrations, there is an element of a small but finite cost ... could end up pinching your pocket .... depending on how upmarket your choices are ....  :innocent:

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