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Synthetic Happiness


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I saw a really great TED talk the other day about synthetic happiness and the relationship between "real" happiness and synthetic happiness in our lives. Synthetic happiness (which is when you "decide" to be happy about something, by choice or default) has been shown to be just as strong chemically in our bodies as "real" happiness. Thoughts?

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Happyness for me is putting on a new pair of socks.

Synthetic fibers or real cotton? Works the same, my feet barely tell the difference, and I feel good with either cotton or polyester, as long as I am putting them on fresh and new..  

So I can see some validity to your post, Elisa.


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Happyness for me is putting on a new pair of socks.

Synthetic fibers or real cotton? Works the same, my feet barely tell the difference, and I feel good with either cotton or polyester, as long as I am putting them on fresh and new..  

So I can see some validity to your post, Elisa.



Haha, sarcasm or not, I like the sock comparison! Sometimes I think we make life far more difficult than it is. Then again, if everything is perspective, we make it what we want, don't we?  Life, love, absolute truth, pain, death, right and wrong. Perhaps it is all an illusion.

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I think "synthetic happiness" is closely related to the "act as if" principle or philosophy espoused by many authors and experts in the personal development / self-help fields.


If one "acts as if," one is likely to program oneself into becoming that which one imagines oneself to be.

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