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Hypography is 10!


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Hypography.com was launched on May 17, 2000. That was ten years ago today.


So happy birthday dear friends, lurkers, skeptics, religious nuts and science buffs. You make this place what it is.


And a huge thanks to the moderator squad and to the admins. There would be no Hypography without you.

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10 huh? that's a teenager in my book. get ready for the weird clothes, unlistenable music, hours on the phone, and zits. :D


thanks for the memories and here's to many more! say whiskey! :1drink: :photos: time to party! :clock: :note::):biggringift::goodbad: :jumpforjoy: :joker::sheepjump::highfive::lurking::whp-pssh::lightsaber2::cheer::clap: :circle: :hammer2: :drummer::grouphug::dance::hihi: :alien_dance: :partycheers::popcorntub: :pizza: :)

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Preteenage years,

move out, get a job, get a house

while you still know everything



happy b-day hypography






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Well done. And may the next 10 bring new challenges and smooth solutions.


BTW, Tormod, how about a little history lesson for us late arrivers. Something on the whys and whats of the creation of Hypography?


(I must confess that I did not search if such a piece of text exist, so are leaving myself open to being shown the Google door, but I think it would fit nice in here with the virtual birthday cake and all.):alien_dance:

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