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I just started looking up consequences on the net, and I regoncized that we can control our choices and actions that lead to the consequences, but not the consequences themselves. What if we were immune to our consequences? What if we could control our consequences like we control our actions?

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just started looking up consequences on the net, and I regoncized that we can control our choices and actions that lead to the consequences, but not the consequences themselves
Yes,this is typical behavioral psychology. but you'll find here that hardly anybody agrees with it since it implies free-will.
What if we were immune to our consequences? What if we could control our consequences like we control our actions?
Then you'd be playing God. And there'd be no place for science.
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  • 4 weeks later...

In order to play god, there must first be proof of a god. It is possible that religion is nothing but a theory just as much as the nearly innumerable theories concerning the universe.

Our human minds cannot possibly control the outcomes of our actions because if that were the case, we would live our lives in reverse. From the instant one realizes that he can control his consequences, he would enevitably backtrack from his death (in order to control consequences, one would have to know the future) to try to come up with ways to avoid his "fate." Actions are the result of consequences just as much as consequences result from ones asctions.


Sorry if this seems incomplete; it is time for me to move on for a bit.

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What if we were immune to our consequences?


The Welfare State. Take from those who produce and give to those who do not produce because it is their "right." We will lower the average until every child is above it - American zero-goal education and "every child left behind." Health insurance that grossly rewards 80-year olds while destroying 40-year olds.


Whenever cost and price are decoupled there will be tragedy. A society cannot vote itself rich out of the public exchequer and survive. Authority, responsiblity, and liability must be coupled or there is tyranny and abuse.


1) You will use your own money to buy something for yourself . You will care about what you buy and you care about how much it costs.


2) You will use your own money to buy somebody else a gift. You don't care about what you buy and you care about how much it costs.


3) You use an expense account to buy somebody else a gift. Who cares what it is or what it costs? We call this "government."

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Amen! Government has taken on the role of shielding us from consequences and it will ultimately result in severely limitting our choice of actions. Once we go to government provided health care (and we will) and progress in the medical field comes to a screeching halt, almost any activity can be restricted or prohibited using the justification that tax money is going to your health care so your behavior may affect other taxpayers.

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  • 1 month later...
The Welfare State. Take from those who produce and give to those who do not produce because it is their "right." We will lower the average until every child is above it - American zero-goal education and "every child left behind." Health insurance that grossly rewards 80-year olds while destroying 40-year olds.


This is an excellent post... and again, reminds me of "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. I can't put into words how disgusted I am with these trends, even as they exist today - forget about the hypothetical.


This is true, though. If we were immune to consequences.... who would work? Those of us who still enjoy working? THose of us who still feel we can do what we love to do and make money doing it? WHat would happen to us? As the rest of the world decided that they would rather not work or follow any laws because they have no consequences to worry about, the remaining "producers" would become more and more bogged down being required to support everyone, that one by one they would give up or break and become like everyone else. Why bother, if they are killing themselves and getting no results, with work becoming an increasingly steeper uphill battle, supporting people who simply have no desire to work?

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"Everything works for the good for those that love the Lord."

Pity anyone that does not love the Lord God almighty with all his heart, soul, body and mind or even think He does not exist! Uncle Al, and the rest of you, if I may, are you a happy campers? I am! To know everything is in God's hands and will work out to what's best in the end and EVERYONE will get what is exactly coming to them in the end. . . Its nice to be!!! :turtle:

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