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Theorys on the 5th dimension

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I think of it more like taking a point, then extending it into the first dimension to form a line, extending it into the 2nd dimension to form a Circle or a Square, and extending that into the 3rd dimension to create a sphere or cube (respectively) And then i'm guessing the hypercube is the 4th dimension of the path that a cube took, I wonder what a sphere would look like, or if it would still be appear to be a sphere since it is symetrical from any angle you look at it

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hello all ,

May i start by saying how appreciative i am to those who maintaine this site and all those that contribute there creative ideas. I theorise about the universe as a hobby not a job and with sites like this i have found like minded people and a way to discuss theorys were elsewhere others wouldnt care.

I was interested in sharkys theory yet not his abrasive attitude , not the manner of an ethical scientist. Although i fail to see why anything would have to travel at the speed of light cubed.


My Theory on the fifth dimension is such that i try not to move away from the essence of dimension. we have 4 observable dimensions already ... space time

in my opinion the 5 dimension would be a 2 dimensional image incorperated through out a 4 dimensional refrence frame .... like holography. When the 3 dimensional image changes with time the changes occur in the 2 dimensional image instantaneously. Like a reflection but the 2 dimensional images would map every section of the 3 dimensional. I think the 5th dimension would be like 2 independant representations of dimensions 3rd and 2nd ...... incorperated mathematically and of course with time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ive been thinking and i have my own idea of the 5th dimension.


if X is a lenght equal to 5, then a 1 dimensional line length X has an length of 5. in 2 dimensions it would be a square with all sides being lenght X. the area would be X^2. then in 3 dimensions, a cube with all sides being X would have an area of 125 or X^3. then, where this goes off a bit, would be in the 4th dimension, 5 different cubes, all with a length of 125 adding to a total area of 625 or X^4. each different cube would be a different frame of time. by frame i mean an event happening in time.

for an example of this i would use and array [x,y,z,t] where t is time. while t is 1 for say the first frame of time, the x, y, and z could have any value for thier position in space. [2,5,7,1] could be the position in the first frame while it could move in space to . 4, 7, 9 in frame 2 being [4,7,9,2].

one of the first things i got from this was the fact that because the amount of frames of time was 5 in my example, and the length of X was also 5, that the amount of time depends on the amount of space in the universe. since there is likely an infinite amount of space, then thre would be an infinite amount of tme.

on the subject of the 5th dimension, X^5 would have an area of 3125, or 625, 5 times. so if X^4 is 5 different frames of time, then X^5 is 5 different sets of five frames meaning alternate possibilities for time (alternate universes).

[x,y,z,t,u], could have the same values as before for x,y,z,and t. [2,5,7,1, and 1 for the first universe] and [4,7,9,2,1] for the next frame of time in universe 1. the first frame in time for universe 2 could have a different coordinate in space than it did in the first universe such as in: [4,3,5,1,2].

i guess it could extend in this pattern for the rest of the dimensions as in the 6th being sets of multiple universes

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I've been reading the theories of 5th dimension and I would like to say that there are some theories in physics today that suggests the existence of a 5th or even more dimensions beyond the 4 we are used to.


Some theories of this kind are named Brane World theories. An interesting model is the Randall-Sundrum Model that suggests that we live in a 4-dimensional membrane (in modern language, a 4-brane) in a 5th dimensional universe. (See http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v411/n6841/full/411986a0_r.html).


There is an old model named Kaluza-Klein Theory that uses a 5th dimension to try to unify gravity with electromagnetism. In this strange model, the 5th dimension is curled (it forms a circle!). Although the original hypothesis is surpassed, Kaluza-Klein models are used in String Theory where the consistency of the theory require 9 spatial dimensions + 1 time dimension.


The interesting feature is that there is a chance to test experimentally if these extra dimensions exist or not measuring the force of gravity between two bodies with very high precision. The argument is that with more dimensions that we have, gravity would not be proportional to the inverse of the squared distance between two bodies, but proportional to the inverse of other exponent a little different. Other links related are:


- Brane World




- Kaluza-Klein Theory



- Superstring Theory


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Hi, I’m new. I’m currently a freshman at the University of California, Irvine majoring in civil engineering.


I would like to present my views on the complexity of multi-dimensions.


first, I would like to disagree with transient’s argument that the mind is the 5th dimension because it is mathematically impossible to prove.


to understand the 5th dimension, we first have to go over the basics. the 0-dimension is just a point in space; it lacks length, height or width. the first dimension is a line. it is made when you connect 2 points x distance away from each other. a square resides within the second dimension. it is made when you arrange two lines of the same length on top of each other and then connecting the endpoints. a cube is in the third dimension. it is made when you have two parallel squares of the same area and then connecting the vertices.


now this is where it gets tricky. in the fourth dimension, you would find a hypercube instead of a cube. also, the fourth dimension isn’t time because 4D is a spatial dimension with 8 directions and time only has 2 directions. a hypercube is made when one cube is inside another cube and then connecting the vertices. it is hard for our 3D limited minds to picture this. when we try to perceive 4th+ dimensions, we face the same problem that occurred to the 2D being in Flatlands when looking at a 3D object. now following the pattern, the 5th dimension is just 2 hypercubes next to each other with the vertices of the first hypercube connected to their respective vertices of the 2nd hypercube. lets just call it a Level 2 Hypercube (I play too many RPGs). this is my theory on 5D.


ive also heard many people refer to time as the 1st dimension. it makes sense because like 1D, time only has 2 directions. my own theory on time is that it is the derivative of the 3rd dimension. it makes sense because at its core, time is just the change of events which takes place in 3D. mathematically, it can be written as: time=dy/dx/dz 3D. I might be wrong because I wont be taking multivariable calculus until next year.


anyone who wishes to challenge my theories is welcomed.

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The way I've always thought of the dimensions that we percieve is the three length, width, and height, and then we also percieve 1/2 of the time dimension. That is why when we think back on things even 50 years ago (I wouldn't know, I'm only 15) it still "seems like it just happened yesterday." Past time perception, like depth perception with only one eye, creates the image but can't tell you with much accuracy how far away it was. However, we can percieve the near future in an amount of time, meaning if you said "we leave in 5 minutes" then you know close to how long away that without using "time" persay, more of a mental connection that comes with time schedules our entire lives. We lack the same connections with thinking about past time amounts because we don't think about how long ago something happened close to as much as when something is going to happen. So you can almost argue that the perception of the time "dimension" is more mental than actual measurement. Yet with time perception and travel are very different things. Though perception may be a mental gauge, traveling through is definetly a physically action, and one that is a topic for a much different debate on these forums.


I am really new to this stuff so let me know how i did



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  • 2 weeks later...

dimesnion 1 = lengnth 2 = width 3 = depth 4 = time 5 = spacetime distortion degree. Imagine a slice of space time and the effect a large mass or an object traveling at an apreciable speed with respect to the speed of light has on it. From a graphical point of view it kind of bends the sheet of space time like a bowling ball would on a rubber mat. Would it be logical to say that this dip in the rubber mat has something to do with a 5th dimension which distorts the other 4?


please rate me. its my first time.

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BIG-D welcome!


Your idea that a slice of 4d spacetime could be bent by a force in the 5th dimension (if I goet it right) sound just like an explanation of how gravity wells work in 4D. Maybe you could clarify?


I suggest you read through the entire thread ... similar issues *have* been discussed before. No offense - but this is a wildly popular thread by now and it would help if we could get new angles on things.



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  • 3 weeks later...

hey Tormod WOW u got some good facts that i had never looked at but i just had to ask you about your whole theory on that peace of paper on like the first or second page. you talk about bending TIMEand SPACE like a peace of paper witch as far as i can see can only be done in the movies. ok it may not be imposable but its very improbable and even if u could fold space and time how would u control all that power it woluld take to do it..


lol help me out hehe

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Well, when you collaborate your thoughts and conjoin them together there were only 5 dimensions in the universe that we could comprehend in our own minds what the difference would be. I don’t know where these other people are getting 9. I think they’re just playing with you, man.

Tormod seems to know what he’s talking about. The others, I think, are just messing with you. You see, you have the 0-dimension being a single point, the 1-dimension being a strait line (Or length, the x variable), and the 2-dimension adds width to the mix (Y variable, the graphs we generally see in algebra class). The 3-dimension gives us height, the Z variable, which is the last dimension that we, as humans, can physically see. Shapes such as Cubes are 3D, where as squares are 2D.

The fourth Dimension, Time, is where it gets tricky. We can’t really represent it by a graph all that well, to we’ve resorted to looking at it like the 1-dimension. As a Time Line. I think they use greek letter Theta to represent the variable for time, but I’m not sure. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Now, looking at time as a 1-dimensional line, we can feasibly see what effect it would have if we were to add a dimension to that, the 5-dimension. Adding a second dimension adds the ability to branch off the time line and expand into, say, alternate universes and such, if you’re into Sci-fi novels and stuff like that.

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