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Cause of fear


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Cause of fear


The cause of fear is only the ignorance about God. The complete knowledge about God removes the fear completely. You can neither protect your self nor others. Any item of the creation cannot protect any other item of the creation. The reason is every item has production and destruction. Even the Lord in the human form has birth and death but has no fear. Jesus knows about His future crucification. He never feared about it before or during the crucification. He never feared for the soldiers who came to arrest Him. He never argued about His case in the court, because He knows that the crucification has to take place by the will of God. Therefore when you have the knowledge of God and the knowledge of His will, you will not fear even about the death.


The death proves that everything and everybody other than God gets destroyed. There fore Jesus asked the people to fear about themselves and about their children and not about His death. Lord Rama jumped into the river with smiling face, Lord Krishna was smiling while leaving His body. Sri Padavallabha and Sri Narasimha Saraswati merged in the Krishna river with smiles. Therefore one will not fear even for death if the divine knowledge is attained. Gita says that death is only changing the old shirt. Where the divine knowledge exists like sunlight, the fear vanishes like darkness. Even in the last statement of Jesus no trace of fear appears as He said that He is surrendering His soul to the hands of God. Veda says that the limited knowledge is cause of the fear (Atha Tasya Bhayam….).

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Jesus knows about His future crucification. He never feared about it before or during the crucification. He never feared for the soldiers who came to arrest Him. He never argued about His case in the court, because He knows that the crucification has to take place by the will of God

While the gospels many times mention the fact that Jesus knows of his death, you can not make a claim that he was never fearful about it, although i understand that that is the position any Christian will take, gospels were written by Jesus's followers not himself, therefore the state of his mind can only be guessed at times that he is seen, therefore whether or not he feared his death is unknown to us...


I don't accept the divine knowledge, nor do i reject it, never the less i do not fear death (i do fear other things), but death scares me less then a snake...

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While the gospels many times mention the fact that Jesus knows of his death, you can not make a claim that he was never fearful about it, although i understand that that is the position any Christian will take, gospels were written by Jesus's followers not himself, therefore the state of his mind can only be guessed at times that he is seen, therefore whether or not he feared his death is unknown to us...


I don't accept the divine knowledge, nor do i reject it, never the less i do not fear death (i do fear other things), but death scares me less then a snake...




Jesus state during cruxification


When you are isolated from your subtle body, which is made of three qualities and feelings, you are also isolated from the gross body. Then you are identified with your causal body (Atman), which is pure awareness and in such stage you are just a spectator of both the subtle and gross bodies. The gross body of Lord Jesus was crucified and the subtle body is undergoing all the torture and agony.


He was confined to His causal body and was watching both the crucification of gross body and the agony of the subtle body. During the process of crucification the reaction and statement of subtle body is in one line and the reaction and statement of the causal body is in another line. Even before crucification one can note the mixed feelings and statements of both the bodies. Jesus prayed God to avoid the crucification if possible and His body was vibrating when He was imagining the future crucification. All this belongs to the subtle body. Finally He said that let the crucification take place if it was the will of God. This belongs to the causal body. On the cross He was asking God “ Why have you left me? ” and this belongs to subtle body. When He said “ I am surrendering myself to your hand ”, this belongs to causal body.


Unless the critical, logical and analytical discrimination exists, one will get confused and will give wrong interpretations on these mutually contradicting feelings and statements. Thus, you can find Jesus as a perfect “Atma Yogi” and He stands as a successful practical follower of the spiritual knowledge of Sankara. Both Sankara and Jesus are the knowledge- suns of East and West. Both stand opposite to each other on the end points of the diameter of the earth as the single knowledge sun rising in diagonally opposite times.

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Jesus prayed God to avoid the crucification if possible and His body was vibrating when He was imagining the future crucification

Therefore he was fearful of his death throughout his lifetime, knowing that it was inevitable. Nevertheless he did not fear the death itself...


Do i detect a hint of Sophocles (Oedipus to be exact) in the New Testament or what?

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