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Makin' chips from new substances. Gallium Arsenide? Old hat! Let's try something new!


Breaking down, disposing, and recycling the nasty stuff in old computer equipment. Don't put it in a landfill folks!


That's just the two ends. Prolly lots o stuff in between.


Cheers and Welcome!


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let me extrapolate on buffy's response:


you see, computer is a machine that combines the laws of physics, chemistry and electronics to come up with a device that performs calculations. Chemistry is everywhere in the machine: there are compounds being looked for for the development of new ram and that would not ruin silicon's crystalic structure, and yet give it electromagnetic properties. there is research in heat conductors to divert the heat from the crystal in the processor to a heat sink, coolants in liquid cooled systems that will be able to store more heat and give it away quicker, more durable lenses for drives, plastic compoinds for the towers themselves, harddrive plate plating, monitors (especially lcd), DVD's of the new age... but dont limit CS field to just the computer itself, faster ways to transfer information lead to fiber optic cables and can soon lead to nano technology which is really a subset of chemistry, then there are all kinds of biochemical processors used for chemical analysis, as Buffy said, disposal of computer hardware, melting it down and then separating the elements, oh talking of that, also element purification, you need very pure gold (and other metals) and very pure silicon crystals with grown in transistor circuits to make processors, wiring insulation... i mean the reference can really be endless....

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Also the Motherboards and Reiser bords need the circuits traced on them, that leads to plating and usually etching.


Want to know what you need to block the High-frequency Channels from interfearing with each other? Chemistry can tell you if you have some physics backing it, it'll even tell you the solution if you think right(as above, wiring insulation).


Go mobile! Or so the world seems to be screaming. But batteries never have enough kick. If only there was a better electro-chemical reaction...

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