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Torsion and the Dirac Equation

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3 minutes ago, Dubbelosix said:

Yes. It would not only eject electrons, but the spin as gravity couples with magnetism would cause local distortions in a non linear way as well.

Yes of course because energy-mass creates gravity, Yes dubbel, no these theories are 100% correct from what I understand about how plasma physics works with the ejection of electrons from orbitals and how general relativity accounts all energy as curvature. Yes, keep working this is a technology I actually already knew about. 

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12 minutes ago, Dubbelosix said:

Yes. It would not only eject electrons, but the spin as gravity couples with magnetism would cause local distortions in a non linear way as well.

You know I wanted to make a Plasma weapon during high school but the teacher wouldn't let me so I made a Gauss Rifle. Ya, I know for a literal fact that these equations all work.

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Dubbel, I am conscripting you to help me work on a fusion reactor now such as in the Carbon Fusion reactor thread(https://www.scienceforums.com/topic/30881-the-thorium-cycle-and-carbon-fusion/), teach me all the secrets of gravimagnetic effects, this is something you would have a good insight toward. I want the full lecture on this now, this has peaked my interest. Okay, here is the problem I want you to solve, I have a donut shaped device that has plasma flowing through it in the middle constrained by a uniform magnetic field which is described by your equations how do I keep it from hitting the edges from turbulence caused by small interactions in the plasma from various forces or what exact shape is most effective at minimizing the forces by your gravimagnetic effects in the presence of a uniform magnetic field?


This is a picture of said device, now how do I minimize turbulence from gravimagnetism?



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1 hour ago, VictorMedvil said:

Dubbel, I am conscripting you to help me work on a fusion reactor now such as in the Carbon Fusion reactor thread(https://www.scienceforums.com/topic/30881-the-thorium-cycle-and-carbon-fusion/), teach me all the secrets of gravimagnetic effects, this is something you would have a good insight toward. I want the full lecture on this now, this has peaked my interest. Okay, here is the problem I want you to solve, I have a donut shaped device that has plasma flowing through it in the middle constrained by a uniform magnetic field which is described by your equations how do I keep it from hitting the edges from turbulence caused by small interactions in the plasma from various forces or what exact shape is most effective at minimizing the forces by your gravimagnetic effects in the presence of a uniform magnetic field?


This is a picture of said device, now how do I minimize turbulence from gravimagnetism?



Well I know about the decay processes that create atomic bombs, I know some things about fusion, but how they would translate to a fusion/fission  weapon I am unsure. I was studying whether a heavy water bomb could have tweaks, perhaps methods which having been investigated yet, but is this really something we should discuss on an open forum, I mean, weapons are highly secret as they have military purposes. I only gave you the last example because it might become a type 2 civilization of weaponry or a type 2 progressing maybe to a type 3 maybe, I do not feel all that comfortable discussing weaponry systems in case of misuse or even advocating that such weapons are progressive for the primitive human race. I did once speak about how to make atomic bombs, but left a lot of it out, as they are considered military secrets.

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For instance, to make these rotary electromagnetic pulse systems, would take a collider around the size of the solar system in order to produce masses and energies just below the Planck scale required to make black holes. Certainly, if the dark forest hypothesis of aliens is correct, I'd imagine they would  send a ray of black holes to eliminate entire planets as they will be able to produce them in strong magnetic fields. Who knows, maybe signals of such destruction are already heading our way.

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But you really are asking the wrong person to hypothesise on weapons, I am a peaceful man. The only technologies I'd speculate on is that which is far out the reach of our own, and the only reason I'd do that is because we should be aware of possible attacks from aggressive exobiological races.

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26 minutes ago, Dubbelosix said:

Well I know about the decay processes that create atomic bombs, I know some things about fusion, but how they would translate to a fusion/fission  weapon I am unsure. I was studying whether a heavy water bomb could have tweaks, perhaps methods which having been investigated yet, but is this really something we should discuss on an open forum, I mean, weapons are highly secret as they have military purposes. I only gave you the last example because it might become a type 2 civilization of weaponry or a type 2 progressing maybe to a type 3 maybe, I do not feel all that comfortable discussing weaponry systems in case of misuse or even advocating that such weapons are progressive for the primitive human race. I did once speak about how to make atomic bombs, but left a lot of it out, as they are considered military secrets.


23 minutes ago, Dubbelosix said:

For instance, to make these rotary electromagnetic pulse systems, would take a collider around the size of the solar system in order to produce masses and energies just below the Planck scale required to make black holes. Certainly, if the dark forest hypothesis of aliens is correct, I'd imagine they would  send a ray of black holes to eliminate entire planets as they will be able to produce them in strong magnetic fields. Who knows, maybe signals of such destruction are already heading our way.


20 minutes ago, Dubbelosix said:

But you really are asking the wrong person to hypothesise on weapons, I am a peaceful man. The only technologies I'd speculate on is that which is far out the reach of our own, and the only reason I'd do that is because we should be aware of possible attacks from aggressive exobiological races.

You worry too much most people are retarded and couldn't make a weapon of mass destruction even if they wanted and even if they did the Federal Government of their nation would get them before they did any damage, the government is very good at getting nuisance level weapon of mass destruction people. However, this wasn't for a weapon but rather power generation in this case of the fusion reactor.

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11 minutes ago, Dubbelosix said:

I still wouldn't suggest new power sources  and while you think most people are retarded, there are many enemy scientists out there who would use energy source technology for evil purposes.

So basically the Russians, North Koreans, Chinese, is what you are saying they already know how to do all this stuff and Iran is about as dangerous as a mad dog, who else would possibly use this stuff and have the capacity to actually make it? The Russians and Chinese aren't stupid anything NATO has come up with they have basically had too. You forget that the UK and United States have like 10,000 nuclear weapons, what are they going to do about it even if someone came up with a new weapon or power source? Hell, the EU basically has a big bang device that makes antimatter along with the US with Fermilab, they aren't going to do anything the "red" powers.

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6 minutes ago, Dubbelosix said:

Nearly any do, any country that is either developing, and those developed, they are always fishing the Internet for new idea, for sledgehammer military use, or espionage use.

Exactly, that's why you make **** that they cannot use or it would kill everyone, I think the world has learned it's lesson about that with the COVID19 thing. That synthetic virus or lab engineered virus infected the entire world and killed millions of people of all nations. I don't think they are stupid enough to release another WMD upon the earth after that.

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I don't know, ... but what I can say, Einstein deterred people just before he first atomic bomb was made, saying that we'd never be able to extract the energy from an atom. I'm pretty sure he knew we could, but then the best scientists of his day was rallied together under the Manhatten project, and Einstein regretted ever making his theory, which even thought his energy equation was initially produced by several others before him, he felt solely responsible for its world wide fame, believing that the creation of this weapon was of a great mistake. After the bomb was dropped on Horoshima, he was famously known for staying, the fourth world war would be fought with sticks and stones.

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14 minutes ago, Dubbelosix said:

I don't know, ... but what I can say, Einstein deterred people just before he first atomic bomb was made, saying that we'd never be able to extract the energy from an atom. I'm pretty sure he knew we could, but then the best scientists of his day was rallied together under the Manhatten project, and Einstein regretted ever making his theory, which even thouht his energy equation was initially produced by several others before him, he felt solely responsible for its world wide fame, believing that the creation of this weapon was of a great mistake. After the bomb was dropped on Horoshima, he was famously known for staying, the third world war would be fought with sticks and stones.

ya dubbel, I think you worry to much if the coronavirus bioweapon didn't wipe humans out I think we are more resilient than to be wiped out by something like that, even if millions of people died we learned a valuable lesson don't release synthetic viruses into the ecosystem, only a dumbass would do that! The "End Of The World" has already happened we survived...

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6 minutes ago, Dubbelosix said:

It would help allay any worries if I was absolutely adamant that it had not been de eloped in a lab, its like racoon city for god sake lol

Lol, it has a resident evil theme to it, but ya man it could have been much worse. We survived the "Armageddon Game" people feared the usage of WMD for 70 years then it happened it was a tough lesson however it has happened and human could not be ended by such weak magics and you know that China will never live this **** down. They will go down in history as like Hitler or something like it.

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2 minutes ago, Dubbelosix said:

Its not over yet. Talking about the theme, ypthe Covid virus is a true modern day Protean virus, there's no amount of vaccines that will cure this. With our over cleaning, and yearly jabs, it will eventually become a superbug.

I don't disagree, dubbel however, this is our punishment, we as humans should have known better. Think about it, us humans, released a genetic plague upon our own planet. If anything bad happens because of this it was alone our fault ultimately.

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