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The Next Chapter In Science, What?


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To dream of the future, wonder what it will be like... Some of us probably have some good guesses..


The next chapter in science I believe, will include:


1 The production and utilization of exotic elements.

Imagine, if only hydrogen and oxygen existed, there would be water, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, hydroxyl ions, etc. but no life would exist in the universe.

Adding carbon would make possible mathane, propane, carbohydrates..but you couldn't have a durable usable car.

The more elements that are available, the more options, the more complicated devises that can be made.
Rare Earth elements give us the efficient thin cellphones.

The addition of other stable elements, with as of yet unknown properties, will open up new possibilities which ar impossible today.

Francium is so rare, that no sample of measurable size has been produced, and we don't know what it's properties are..

Smaller atoms have a neutron to proton ration of 1 to 1(He). Larger atoms are stable with smaller neutron to proton ratio, approaching 2 to 1.

In attempting to form heavier elements in the lab, or in nature, Lighter elements are combined (fused) to form heavier elements. The neutron ratio is often too high and the result is unstable.

New methods incorporate firing antimatter into reactions. The hope is that the antimatter particles will anihilate extra neutrons, forming stable isotopes.


2 Grapheme, carbon nano-tubes. Super-light sturdy construction material, 100X stroger than steel, almost no resistance to flow of electricity.


3 Supercooled technolgy.

  A When matter is cooled near absolute zero, there is very little resistance to flow of electricity.

  B With baryonic energy at a minimum, dark matter becomes more dominant, and exotic properties ensue.

Edited by malform11
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