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Fungi & Lichens


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a place for fungi & lichen photos, links, stories, discoveries, and otherwise related posts. :photos: :read: :clue: :sherlock:


this is a relatively new area for me. i went hiking today to look for flowers but found fungi & lichens instead. here we goes then. :photos:


lichen definition @ freedictionary.com

1. (Life Sciences) an organism that is formed by the symbiotic association of a fungus and an alga or cyanobacterium and occurs as crusty patches or bushy growths on tree trunks, bare ground, etc. Lichens are now classified as a phylum of fungi (Mycophycophyta)


Peltigera neopolydactyla @ burke herbarium


felt lichen - Peltigera neopolydactyla

february 12, 2012

lacamas heritage trail

clark county washington- native


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Hye turtle. i failed to identify these before i posted, so i am working on that unless you already know :P


i don't know; i am such a newbus at this. :kick: i accidently found a lichen section at that burke herbarium site i use for wildflowers in washington. i don't rmember ever seeing it & i think it's new. anyway, they have pictures for ~ 150 species and i went through each one to find my id. i've been through twice more trying to id 2 other species i shot. :read: i will post them in a bit and maybe someone will recognize them.


here's the lichen page at burke. >> search lichen scroll down in the box on left side 'till you see

Genus (72):






then click on a genus name, then scroll down again to see a list of species, then click on a species name to see the photo & entry. :computerkeys:

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thanks turtle

also can we add moss to the mix? i love moss. I do micro/macro pics of it and am currently covering my balcony in it :)


you're welcome. :) sure, why not moss. it is often in close association with the lichens & we can get two-fer photos. :D i was thinking maybe ferns too and was unsure if they deserved a separate thread or not. :reallyconfused: might as well add them too. :shrug: :agree:


as luck has it i have some archived photos seeking a home and some seeking id. :bounce: :lol:


so, Fungi, Lichens, Mosses, & Ferns


attached unidentified moss from lechtenberg forest, clark county washington.:photos:

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I am rather fond of Liverworts as well... Clubmosses are cool too


:thumbs_up clubworts, hogwarts, liver mosses, liverclubs...; whatever doesn't flower and isn't a tree i guess. :lol:


let's get crackin' with some photos ya ol' giezer. ;) :photos: :santa3: :whip-new: :rotfl:

i gotta say though that my excursion yesterday has me buckled today. got myself a little out of practice there. :doh: :loser:


:turtle: something from my archive just to keep things going. :clue:


birds-nest fungus

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:thumbs_up clubworts, hogwarts, liver mosses, liverclubs...; whatever doesn't flower and isn't a tree i guess. :lol:


let's get crackin' with some photos ya ol' giezer. ;) :photos: :santa3: :whip-new: :rotfl:

i gotta say though that my excursion yesterday has me buckled today. got myself a little out of practice there. :doh: :loser:


:turtle: something from my archive just to keep things going. :clue:


birds-nest fungus

wow!!! that is way cool :)

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wow!!! that is way cool :)


more like... Fascinating!! :lol: the nests are shaped in such a way that falling raindrops eject the eggs(spore cases) which trail a little cord that then hangs them up on plants where animals eat them & so spread them. :omg: my specimens were along lacamas heritage trail. also, i was just reading up on moontan's liverworts and found some do that splash thing too with a special cup structure used to reproduce asexually. curiouser & curiouser.


so, now i got a new jag i guess. :crazy: speaking of heritage trail, on my recent visit i found & photographed a species which i had previously found in lechtenberg forest and only id'd as a "bracket fungus". (lechtenberg photo as attachment. notice the green algae growing on it as mentioned in the wiki article. :clue: ) i now think i have it pinned down. :read:


Trametes versicolor @ wiki


check out some current medicinal study: > Polysaccharide peptide @ wiki

Polysaccharide peptide (PSP) is a protein-bound polysaccharide extracted from the edible mushroom Coriolus versicolor. PSP is currently in the animal-testing phase of research in many countries for use as an anti-tumor drug. It appears to work as a Biological Response Modifier, enhancing the body's own use of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, rather than directly attacking any tumors.[1]


bracket fungus - Trametes versicolor

february 12, 2012

lacamas heritage trail

clark county washington


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from the archive. :photos: the day before i took this it was rainy and the fungus was swelled up twice the size and i neglected to get a photo. :doh: oh sure...give the flowers all the attention. :P


orange jelly fungus - Dacrymyces palmatus


lechtenberg forest

clark county washington - native


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