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Hello My Old Friends


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Hello my old friends, it's been quite a while since I've walked through these hallowed halls. I used to go by the name of "Infamous", maybe some of the older members will remember me. At any rate, my new forum name is "Ethos" and I'd like to reconnect with all my old friends. I've spent the last year or so navigating the web in search of a good science forum and have decided that this is probably the best one out there.


It's good to be back...........................Ethos

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Hello my old friends, it's been quite a while since I've walked through these hallowed halls. I used to go by the name of "Infamous", maybe some of the older members will remember me. At any rate, my new forum name is "Ethos" and I'd like to reconnect with all my old friends. I've spent the last year or so navigating the web in search of a good science forum and have decided that this is probably the best one out there.


It's good to be back...........................Ethos


Hey old friend.


I was thinking about you a couple days ago. Funny isn't it.


Welcome back.




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Infamous, welcome back old friend! :) Things have been too quiet around here.

Thank you so much maikeru, it's been quite a while. BTW, I have re-registered under another name because I've forgotten the password for my old ID. I noticed that "infamous" is still shown as an active member so maybe someone can help me get my old ID back. Thanks again my friend................Infamous, aka; Ethos
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