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I am English, I live in a small town called Newent, which I believe is a medieaval word meaning New Town. There is evidence of occupation from at least Roman times and in more recent history it was a stop over for drovers taking cattle to market from South Wales to Gloucester. I joined the forum because of a google search for people who are interested in the spiritual or psychological aspects of Arthurian tales. However, in the last few days I have attended a couple of lectures at the Cheltenham science festival on Dark Energy (and Dark Matter) and Electric Cars. I am fascinated by astronomy, cosmology and the quantum theories although I haven't got a clue regarding the maths. I am also concerned about climate change, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and what we as individuals can do about it. But my main wish is to contact people who try to understand the symbolic significance of the Arthurian tales particularly those featuring Perceval. If there is anyone on this forum who shares these interests, particularly the Arthurian one, please get in touch. I have written a paper on the subject called "The Yonic Symbol, the grail and a Templar Secret" and its on Scribd. If anyone wants to read it, its the first thing that comes up in a google search of the title. By the way, my grandson called me gubby instead of granddad and his name is richie. When ebay required a unique name that was the first thing that came to mind and it has stuck. Cheers all, gubbyrichie

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Hello gubbyrichie,

fascinating bio you have there. I'm a bit of a Medieval History buff, and tho I've read some of the Authurian lit, I can't say I ever ran into Percival as a spiritual icon. I would like to learn more of this.

Welcome to Hypography!

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