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Server move - expect problems


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The Hypography Science Forums has been moved to a new server. This will cause some issues. Please report them in our Bug Tracker.


Due to the nature of domain name servers, I've had to work without actually seeing much of what I was doing. Therefore it's a bit of blind shooting, but hopefully things will work out.


You can report bugs and problems here:

Science Forums - Project Tools


There will be design changes and more to come, but for now I have to wait until the DNS is propagated around the world.

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And yes, I know LaTeX is broken. We're fixing it ASAP. All the old graphs should be working fine, but it will throw one error per image and new ones will not be created because we need a couple of libraries.

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Actually i have added a new feature to LaTeX, check it out, if you mess up your strings now or something, you will get a description


lets try

[math]e=mc\Delta t[/math]

but with an error

[math]e=mc \Detla t[/math]


ofcourse here you know where to look, but if you have an equation spanning 1000 characters and many lines you'll be thankful to know what the error that caused a syntax error to trip was :) ( yes, yes i will be taking gifts and accepting donations :) ) But yes, in the tradition of open-source, I sent the feature to the maintainer of the vblatex code :)

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Sorry about ups and downs tonite, i have been trying to figure out this caching system, and it turns out it does not play well with zend optimizer...


Tormod, you decide, this is the line that has been causing problems: [Zend Optimizer] Zend Optimizer 3.2.8 is incompatible with XCache 1.2.1

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I should mention here, the old syntax, the latex tags will no longer work, and actually they will not display content anymore either. I also saw that i have to enable some packages to get all our latex stuff back, if you see an error that screams about a package not being enabled, please PM me and let me know, so i can fix that.

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