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Tropical fish industry


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I just got off a another list about tropical fish, being a 45 year vetern of keeping, breeding, and other wise taking care of aquariums and their inhabitants it simply amazes how little the people who sell fish really know about them. I build my own aquariums, grow swamp trees like bonsia in aquariums and grow live coral as well as breed marine fish. Most pet shops promote the idea that fish only live a few weeks or months. I've kept Cardinal tetra's for over five years. In the wild they usually live for only a year or so. any fish with a sucker on it's bottom side is an algae eater? amazing don't people watch their fish? Many of these misconceptions are trasfered to books and acceopted as the gospel. You can't keep large fish in aquariums, tell that to the iredescent shark i kept for ten years, it only grew to about 10". In the wild they attain three feet but this fish was happy a a clam in my 125 and would eat from my hand. Fish shops often sell fish that almost cannot survive in captivity with out very special care for more than a few months. do they tell their customers a mormyrid has to eat live black worms to stay heathy? Oh no they sell stail frozen food the fish will eat out of desperation and die of starvation in a few months and the aquarist thinks he has succesfully kept this very interesting fish. I won't bore you but the list goes on and on! Most fish shop mislead their customers into buying fish that simply cannot live ouit their lives on the food they are fed or the conditions they are held under. I would like to think it's ignorence on the part of the fish stores but i doubt it. short lived fish mean more sales. Please don't buy fish that need very special attention to thier food and water conditions unless you can provide those parameters!

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ya man, i totally agree. I used to breed many inverts, reptiles and amphibians and it was the same story. the problem with things like reptiles is that people and governments are already a bit paranoid about things like snakes....i was in a very bad dilemma, contact the gov about how pet stores mistreat and dont care properly for their animals.....and then no doubt get them banned....or talk to the owners and get a big arrogant story and let the animals suffer...


frankly, i think pet stores are the source of all evil when it comes to animal cruelty. they do what is cheap and easy, not whats right. i swear the next time i see 20 savanah monitors in a 20 gallon tank I'm going to burn the damn place down!

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ya man, i totally agree. I used to breed many inverts, reptiles and amphibians and it was the same story. the problem with things like reptiles is that people and governments are already a bit paranoid about things like snakes....i was in a very bad dilemma, contact the gov about how pet stores mistreat and dont care properly for their animals.....and then no doubt get them banned....or talk to the owners and get a big arrogant story and let the animals suffer...


frankly, i think pet stores are the source of all evil when it comes to animal cruelty. they do what is cheap and easy, not whats right. i swear the next time i see 20 savanah monitors in a 20 gallon tank I'm going to burn the damn place down!


It has always been my dream to have an honest fish store that tell cutomers the truth not just what they want to hear to make a sale!

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I have been on both sides of the industry. There are way too many crappy stores out there with dumb staff. Unfortunately most CUSTOMERS will not support the stores with a staff of experienced fish keepers. Surprisingly enough most experienced people in the hobby simply cannot afford to work in a LFS. Small non-chain stores are already in a hole with costs competing against big box store chains in just sheer stock costs. Most shops can really only pay 8-10 bucks an hour. That won't cover your water bill. If you do try to make it work you get people using your time and expertise to go somewhere cheaper to spend their money. Thus, most shops get an 18 year old that might work part time and has some fish for the past few years.


That being said, there are also way too many crappy non-listening customers out there as well. I have had to seriously throw people out of the shop and refuse to sell them fish. I routinely would send customers to hardware stores and what not for products that cost pennies to the dollar because it didn't have a fish on the package. The system is broken by those wanting a cheap and easy way. Convenience is the commodity. Do as little as possible with the most return. This is the legacy of Wal-Mart, this is why you can't find a decent LFS anymore.

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