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Some taxonomy questions

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If you know the answer to any of them it'll be very helpful.


1. Explain the difference between Eubacteria and Archaebacteria. Note the evolutionary aspect of how each contributed to prokaryotes.


2. Explain the difference between Coelomates, psuedocoelomates and acoelomates.


3. How does the Protostome development differ from Deuterstome development?


4. Explain the difference between radial symmetry and bilateral symmetry.


5. For each of the above questions, name the organism (phyla) in the animal kingdom that exhibits these characteristsics.


6. How are diploblastic germ layers differernt from triploblastic germ layers based on the development of an organism in the animal kingdom.


7. List and describe one distinguishable characteristic for each of the vertebeate classes.


8. Describe the cleavage as in development that occurs in a protostome and deuterstome.


9. Define archenteron.

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