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Alien life may not be carbon-based, new study suggests

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2 hours ago, Vmedvil said:

It seems that Alien life may not be carbon based according to a new study, read more at Alien life may not be carbon-based, new study suggests (msn.com)


Do you think it is possible to have life that isn't carbon based?

Reminds me of an old Star Trek episode, when they discover a silicon based life form on some planet. My view is that life as we know it, is difficult enough with the right conditions to form, and even longer for complicated so called intelligence beings like us to evolve. How much harder could it be with a Silicon based lifeform. Still, as I like pointing out, in a "near infinite" universe, with near infinite numbers of stars and planets, and with the stuff of life being everywhere we look, those chances are greatly magnified. 

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Silicon is not energetically favored as a base for life, the entire universe would at least appear to favor carbon in several ways but complex carbon compounds being formed in interstellar space in clouds that mass many times the Earth is highly indicative that carbon is special. 

There are other possibilities than silicon to replace carbon, organometallic chemistry seems to indicate some interesting possibilities at molten lava temps but we have no evidence of such chemicals occurring naturally. Boron is, if anything, capable of complex chemistry as interesting as carbon but boron is exceedingly rare in the universe.  

This guy is highly speculative but it gives you some idea of extreme possibilities.


Edited by Moontanman
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