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Surge in false ‘swatting’ calls adds to lawmaker security concerns

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19 hours ago, Vmedvil said:

It seems a surge is false "swatting" calls has been added to lawmaker's security concerns, read more at Surge in false 'swatting' calls adds to lawmaker security concerns - Roll Call



Do you think there is a way to prevent false swatting calls using some technological means?

I think the fact that a police call results in a swat team arriving is cause for concern. Is the arrival of a swat team the go to as the first reaction to a police call reasonable? Yes, anyone who makes a false call should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law but should the arrival of a military grade police unit be a reasonable response? 

Sending such a unit often results in catastrophic results, especially if the people who are being "swatted" are exposed to police who think they are criminals so dangerous they require an armed military grade unit to intervene. The police show up expecting a war and they often get one whether or not the suspects are doing anything wrong or not. 

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Moontanman said:

I think the fact that a police call results in a swat team arriving is cause for concern. Is the arrival of a swat team the go to as the first reaction to a police call reasonable? Yes, anyone who makes a false call should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law but should the arrival of a military grade police unit be a reasonable response? 

I think it is a reasonable response if there was a major issue such as a terrorist attack or home invasion with an active shooter you would want the SWAT team to arrive to stop the incident. However, I think that the police should be careful about whom they do it to and make sure the threat is genuine. See, these false Swatting calls make it seem as if there is a situation such that would require the SWAT team to arrive but where really there is not emergency. It is a huge problem that people are doing this, and they are faking terrorist attack calls, home invasion calls, and other things to make them arrive. It isn't as cut and dry as you think, Moontanman, think about it this way if there was an active shooter in your house or a hostage situation. You would want the SWAT team to arrive, and these are the exact situations that these false swatting calls are faking to get the response from the police that they get that gets innocent people hurt and killed that didn't do anything because the police think there is an active shooter or horrible situation going on such as a terrorist attack.


Edited by Vmedvil
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6 hours ago, Vmedvil said:

I think it is a reasonable response if there was a major issue such as a terrorist attack or home invasion with an active shooter you would want the SWAT team to arrive to stop the incident. However, I think that the police should be careful about whom they do it to and make sure the threat is genuine. See, these false Swatting calls make it seem as if there is a situation such that would require the SWAT team to arrive but where really there is not emergency. It is a huge problem that people are doing this, and they are faking terrorist attack calls, home invasion calls, and other things to make them arrive. It isn't as cut and dry as you think, Moontanman, think about it this way if there was an active shooter in your house or a hostage situation. You would want the SWAT team to arrive, and these are the exact situations that these false swatting calls are faking to get the response from the police that they get that gets innocent people hurt and killed that didn't do anything because the police think there is an active shooter or horrible situation going on such as a terrorist attack.


Think of how horrified the people who live in the house the swat was called on were when they were killed by dumb *** hostile police officers who live to abuse the people they work for. The job of police officer tends to attract people who are domineering, hostile, and who enjoy the power play of having their ego stroked by the power dynamic. 

There needs to be some real reform and the idea of swatting wouldn't work if the police weren't so determined to be in total control of everything. Its bad enough they police seldom know the law and can legally use lies and deceit try and find a reason, any reason, even a lie to allow them to stroke their egos Via the power dynamic they control. 

Most police cars have "serve and protect" on their cars as their motto... what a joke! 

Does this mean all police are guilty of this? Of course not but if the ones who disagree do not speak out and continue to protect their own thin blue line they are complacent, we are the ones who get the consequences of an armed, violent, egotistical, control freak having the force of law enforcement on his side to protect his abuses via lies and cover up. 

The system protects these officers instead of helping weed them out. These officers exist and not in some tiny percentage and you want them to have military grade weapons and no over sight... yeah that's the ticket. 

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