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The World Earthquake Prediction for 2004


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Dear Sirs,

Iwrot you the next earthquake prediction for the

World for 2004.


15th of September,8th of October,10th and 19th and

21th and 25th of November(maybe earthquake storm),7th

and 19th of December

Mongolia:28th of September

Algeria:7th-8th of September,28th of October


17th and 27th of September,1st-2nd and 10th and 12th

and 16th 29th of October(maybe earthquake storm),6th

and 12th and 19th of November,19th of December


4th of September,14th and 27th of October,6th and

21,22,23,24,25 of Novenber(maybe earthquake storm),4th

and 10th and 16th and 22th of December


14th of October,

7th of November,

From 19th to 24th of November(maybe earthquake storm),

6th of December


30th of August,from 18th to 23th of November,9th and

16th of December


11th and 29th of October,13th and 19th of

November,23th of December

I claim that tomorrow do not strong earthquake in California.

The moon make the tides in the oceans.But the moon raising up the Earth crust with 55 sm.After happened the earthquakes.

You can open here:http://www.free.top.bg/laquakes

or if you are interested,please open in yahoo.com here:"earthquake prediction by Boyko Iliev" to see my earthquake prediction in the past.

Thank you.

With Respect: Boyko Iliev

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If you make enough predictions one might stick.


About Earthquake Prediction of seismologysts in Los Angeles for 5th of September 2004 I claim:

In California,LA there will be a strong earthquakes on the 7th,11th and 19th of May 2004.

The Big One:--->19th of May 2004. On the 18th of June and 05th of October 2004.


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