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Originally posted by: oblivion

Edit was because I decided not to reply to you. You = hypocrite = read your signature.



And who is this referring to? I take it that's it's UM because he's arguing with you after highlighting that he believes you fall under the camp of his signature.


Obviously it cant be ME and MY signature!! Muhahahaha





By the way, I'd like you to address my last post above. Unless you're not interested of course.



EDIT: You addressed my post. For the record ive listened to hip hop for about 10 years. I am, like you say, going away from the trend, but as a whole i think hip hop is more popular now that it's ever been. In my opinion, the trend is growing stronger not waeker at the moment.


Originally posted by: geko


And who is this referring to? I take it that's it's UM because he's arguing with you after highlighting that he believes you fall under the camp of his signature.


This is a false statement geko. I have not responded to Oblivion since I stated that I would not argue. Nothing was highlighted. I also never implied that anyone fit the premise of my sig, which was in place before Oblivion became a member. I did imply that the level of discourse fit my signature. He has continued his meaningless posts. Aside from correcting blatant errors, I'm quite finished with this nonsense.


"I did imply that the level of discourse fit my signature" = related to my post.


Your attempt at labelling me = fail = me crushing you with your own hypocrisy.


Uncle Martin = owned. Give up.




posts edited = clearer to read


Originally posted by: oblivion

False again, it contributes my opinion. I do not wish to help the author.


Last warning, Oblivion. If you do not wish to help the author or take part in the discussion, then why on earth post at all. Keep it up and you will be locked out.




Gang, if I might suggest, if Oblivion does not want to play nice with others, ignore him.


When he posts something of value, then we can bother to respond.


If he refuses to figure it out and change his posting, Tormod can just remove him.


Otherwise the diversion just bogs the discussions down.


Originally posted by: Uncle Martin


This is a false statement geko. I... impl[ied] that the level of discourse fit my signature.

..I have not responded since.....



True. I stand corrected.





p.s. hope you dont mind me messing with your post.

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