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Flu... :(


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  • 2 weeks later...

well, seems everyone is getting the flu these days. i jsut recently got over some kind of somach flu. i must say, it is worse than the flu in general. lol, i think i definately broke my record of how many times i threw up in one sitting. seven times. now that hurt really bad. and yea, kinda scray to think that the flu can go up to the brain. eeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkk!!!!!!

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yes i ahd it last year in fact. and it was bad, considering it was my first time. and belive me, throwing up 3 times compared to seven times, well, that's jsut no comparison..also noticing that i had similar symtoms, but not hardly as powerful.

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a vaccine is being developed in china.

experience in certain animals are remarkable. but it still needs to be tested on humans.


a couple of volunteers are being tested a couple days b4, the data is still unknown....


the whatever association (arh~ dont know that name, its a big intentional thing...) doesnt recommend the chinese to do such examination, however, china didnt stop.



it will still take like a couple of years b4 this vaccine is out...

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have you heard of something like "chicken flu"???

it is a "bird" disease. (named like H5N1)


no one really knows it in my school...

but its big news a while ago.


in hong kong, massing killing of chickens were happening....

some of the other regions were doing the same thing....


(forgot to add this: this virus can infect humans, and people were dying b/c of it.)

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