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Two sides of the brain and Christ.


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If one looks at history, the Romans had reached a level of sophisication similar to modern culture. Yet it was a culture of paradoxes. On the one hand, their were great thinkers in philosophy, science, politics, and artisitic creativity, yet they were also very cruel, compulsive and prone to excessive behavior. After the time of Christ, history shows Roman culture gradually going through a decline culminating in the dark ages where culture sophiication appears to go backwards. Here is the thesis. What I believe happened was that ancient culture was centered in the right hemisphere of the brain (explaining the strong compulsion and the amazing creativity of that time). The transition into the dark ages was implicit of the center of the human ego moving into the left hemisphere.

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Animals are spatially integrated within their environment through natural instinct. Spatial thought processing is known to occur within the right side of the brain. When one pertubates a naturally integrated eco-system some animals have a difficult time adapting to the change, because of their spatial programming. Modern humans are rational and therefore more centered in the left hemisphere of the brain, allowing us to adapt to natural and unnatural change easier. If humans evolved from animals, then it would follow that humans were at one time spatially integrated with the environment or centered within the right hemisphere of the brain. Although the early humans were centered in the right side of the brain, they became increasingly able to make use of the left side of the brain, thereby increasingly able to increasingly adapt to the environment via the perception of the causual relationships within nature and culture.


Law or the tree of knowledge of good and evil was important toward increasing the use of the left side of the brain. Law is rational or 2-D and is based on cause and effect, i.e., violation implies punishment. Law helped lead humans into the left side of the brain. The evolution of culture and the increased use of the left side of the brain added to the human memory grid, thereby programming the whole brain, including the right side of the brain. These culturally induced alterations within the right side of the brain, which were connected to the instinctive and emotional potentials, became the gods of ancient religion. When an animal is hungry he begins to go through its characteristic hunting ritual. Within the early humans the hunger potential became a mixture of their natural animal instinct modified with cultural programming. Not being centered within the rational, the ancient human could not see the causual connection between themselves, and the dynamics but rather projected these semi-instinctive dynamics as being due to something outside themselves, i.e., working of the gods and spirits.


By the time of Greece and Rome there were many great thinkers and rationalists. At the same time, Roman rationalists worshipped the goddess Rationalis. Rationalis was believed to be the goddess who inspired reason, implying that they were still centered in the right hemisphere but were able to exist in the left hemisphere for extended periods, while being inspired by the spatial integration within the right side of the brain. Christ came at a transition time and would lead the evolutionary change where the ego would finally center itself in the left side of the brain. He taught love, peace, and universal human law instead of narrowed cultural law. This approach was rational, for its time, and was very similar in approach used for the laws of nature; gravity is the same for all, and does not show favoritism or behave differently for different cultures or classes within culture. The latter is subjective and not objective.


Revelations had the impact of helping the ego polarize the 3-D memory grid (realm of the gods) into good and evil, i.e., Christ and the Devil. The God of the Old Testament and the gods of Rome were morally neutral or both good and evil. The polarization into good and evil made the heavens more rational or 2-D and less irrational. When the Dragon or Satan is symbolically is thrown from heaven to earth, the darkside became consciously associated with the natural (earthy) or the 3-D the side of the brain. This caused its repression and leading an an amplifcation in compulsion, resulting in the ego needing to consciously spend more and more time in the good side of the brain or the left hemisphere. The dark ages broke the connection to the natural creative 3-D side of the brain, while increasingly centerring the ego in the unnatural left side of the brain. But gradually, the very tough religious process stuck, until by the age of enlightenment the transition for many had been complete. Science, in turn, helped alter the cultural memory grid, thereby assisting others to crystalize out into the left side of the brain. Modern culture is centered within the left hemisphere.

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