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Cyborg Alien Race retains and utilizes technology to vaporize Earth


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Event I'm reporting is from March 11, 2012


Trelane will read this, but after my statement I feel the high ranking Cyborg Trelane is in fear of losing his position and status now and so far no reply. I would say the Cyborg and human relations after this post exposing the insanity of the Cyborgs experiments and perhaps weather altering potential planet earth vaporizing technology is a maniacal genocidal weapon for Earth inhabitants. I’m in no position to declare war on the Cyborgs, however there posture towards Earth is a serious threat. A defense initiative must be taken and forward actions must be deployed to eradicate the Jupiter sized ship from ever creating an Energy Magnetized Vortex upon Earth again! We must and we will seize this ship and claim it for a more sensible race of beings that obviously understand the galactic politics of such a weapon and declare a moratorium universally amongst the alien races of a ban for its uses and all similar ships. The cyborgs had an agenda and it was not about merely refueling with hydrogen for a fusion based warp core gravity assist space distortion field displacement allowing light speed or greater. No the cyborgs in conjunction with absorbing fuel through the magnetized energy vortex have been experimenting with CME technology and I would not doubt the cyborgs were behind the 1859 Carrington Massive CME event on Earth, yes they did that. I declare the cyborg the scourge of the universe! I for one along with the Pleiadians vote for WAR with the Cyborgs. Take down the Cyborg AI network, hack it destroy it and they will be blinded and confused; thus their hive would not know what hit them they would be defenseless. Good bye Cyborgs!




Twitter left wondering why solar observatory has re-opened


A Co-Lab on Developing Cyborg Arts – Interdisciplinary Collaboration and

Practice Based Solutions
The most effective way to have everyone in Team Glass come to a consensus and move to the next step was to sit with them during class and discuss their ideas as a group. After one particular rough patch of listening to all their concerns and difficulties about finding a solution to creating a solar flare sense, I analyzed the situation using ANT methodology. I saw that they had no ‘actor’ in that they had nothing supplying raw information for their project’s goal. I suggested they consult NASA’s on-line database of solar flare data to anchor their concepts in something tangible and known. A team member then came up with a programming solution to connect the raw data from the NASA space station to a piece of actual hardware. The data, though programming code, triggered a small light to turn on each time it reached a certain numeric threshold. Though it seemed like a small breakthrough, it completed the ANT network comprised of people and non-human ‘actors’. In this case the ‘actor’ turned out to be raw data that linked to programming code. Once the team saw actual progress in their project, they gained confidence in agreeing on a next step. They were now ‘punctualizing’ and passing ‘tokens’ between one another, and within the overall existing network. The next step consisted of finding the correct grade of silicon to make a synthetic skin that would encase LED lights. This skin would eventually be placed on the body.


conjunction with ANT methodology involves identifying which actors are not passing tokens, how the network is de-punctualized, and if it is possible how to restart modes of communication between points in the network.


There were approximately 40 team members and students, as well as various guests for a sixteen-week co-lab developing cyborg art at Parsons School of Design in New York City. Three cyborg senses were created as functional proof of concepts. Using the methodologies of Bruno Latour’s ANT, team members collaborated in a practice based learning environment. ANT identifies an ‘actor’ within the network as either a person or a thing. This dynamically evolving designation evolved as the main ‘actor’ of each team shifted during the weekly meetings. The ‘actor’ could be the team leader, or the ‘actor’ could be the programming code. The next week the ‘actor’ could be the hardware. The following week it could be any of those three designations, or even more than one of them.

The ‘actor’ was examined to see how it communicated (punctualized), or did not communicate (depunctualized) within the confines of the network, including what kind of ‘tokens’ were, or were not passed. Structuring framing modes based in ANT analysis allowed various solutions to emerge. It required a skilled assessment of group dynamics with non-didactic interventions to keep all the ‘actors’ in the network fully engaged. As a methodology for a practice based learning environment in an art and design co-lab, ANT implemented practical solutions within a dynamic matrix of professionals, students, and evolving technologies.



Cyborg Alien Race is the Original inventors of CME (i.e. Solar Flare Technology) utilizing a huge Jupiter sized spherical space ship.

More info on Betelgeuse visible Supernova

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However the story is much deeper with a follow up regarding the transhumanist agenda, The Great Reset; moreover its love affair with synthetic imbedded technologies to biologically enhance beings. I regard this as dangerously unholy and mentality vicious as it changes ones personality in a dark sense.

Read this, the cyborgs are very much alive and well living on earth:

You will own nothing and be happy:


The people at the World Economic Forum who meet in Davos are cunning or most of them would not be super wealthy. At 7.5 billion people sure the world has problems, but has the Climate Change been overstated and could some of the news be exaggerated science by their bought media? Dr Lomborg think so. Few of us powerless people understand the true power of what many wealthy people can impart on the media and mindset of us underlings. After all they do control just about everything due to the power of money. Don't not tell me that science has not been corrupted by money cause I will say bull****. Also many dimwits get into Ivy league schools just because of wealthy families.

If the Great Reset is using Climate Change as a cover for massive change which I feel maybe the case. Then the under pinning think tanks at Davos must have a sinister plan. It is their marketing sales tactic that really sells the fantasy of Utopia to the younger generation, that makes it suspect, "no work and all play oh and you will own nothing and love its lifestyle society". It is like they're child molesters offering candy to children and I know that's a sick example. What made me think this way was that the Great Reset sells this fantasy Utopia, but their Davos Manifesto regarding Stakeholder Capitalism born in Nazi Germany cares more about the Group or Oligarchy than the Society. Couple this with the report by Dr Lomborg and being one of underlings I almost feel betrayed by this whole early shift to Build back better. Is the cover meant to destroy America because the people of Davos just want to end the World's Reserve Currency to move to the digital one and is Global Climate Change just a scam alarm bell for them? Sure if they accomplish this then they will run the World via proxy where ever they are. The group oligarchy in charge and you will own nothing and love it.

Did the 3rd Reich just reappear not with a blitzkrieg of tanks but a propaganda of lies spreading total fear with a final solution of carbon taxes?


When he founded the WEF in 1973, Schwab wrote the original Davos Manifesto aimed at urging corporate managers to reject shareholders and embrace a larger role as promoters of societal priorities. With that Davos Manifesto, the WEF now claims, “Stakeholder capitalism was born.”

Not quite. University of Calgary economist Randall Morck, editor of A History of Corporate Governance Around the World, sets the origins of legalized stakeholderism in Germany and the passage of the National Socialist government’s Shareholder Law of 1937. The law, writes Morck, “freed corporate managers and directors of their specific fiduciary duty to shareholders and substituted a general duty to all stakeholders.”

Yes we have Global Warming, but it has been blown out of proportion. And Mankind's attempt to change the Carbon Footprint by the end of the 21st Century would be a very small %, Thus our resources should be better spent elsewhere.


Global warming is a problem that we should tackle... smartly. But climate change will not mark the end of the world. The UN’s best estimate of the costs of unmitigated global warming by the end of the century is about 4% of global GDP. This is a problem, not an emergency. In our eagerness to enact climate policies, we could easily end up making the world worse off -- even if we tackle climate smartly, the policies could end up costing as much as 16% of global GDP or more.

With a sense of proportion, Dr Lomborg presents a coherent argument on how to tackle climate smartly. Crucially, for most of the world's 7.5 billion people, climate change comes far down the list of priorities when faced with infant mortality from easily curable diseases and malnutrition, suffering from poor education and low energy access.

Bjorn Lomborg is president of the Copenhagen Consensus Centre and author of The Skeptical Environmentalist, Cool It and How to Spend $75 Billion to Make the World a Better Place.

The first agenda of the Great Reset by Klaus Schwab is to follow a Nazi style Corporate Model which is more geared to the Group than the individual shareholder.


WEF chief executive officer Klaus Schwab described three core components of the Great Reset:[citation needed] the first involves creating conditions for a \"stakeholder economy\"

As you can see how a stakeholder corporate system works it does not care about society, it only cares about the group.


A big step towards a more explicit stakeholder capitalistic system was the enactment of § 70
German Stock Corporation Act in 1937.

In spite of the multi-interest considerations the stakeholder approach is not necessarily dealing
with social issues. Broad social concerns and stakeholder considerations do not have to be the
same 16 and stakeholder theory is actually not an underlying concept of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR).17 The stakeholder approach is thought to be a strategic approach to
business making. So it is not about taking the interests of the whole society into consideration
and assuming a responsibility towards it
, but about understanding and using the relationships
between the corporation and the groups that have a stake in it so that the best possible
economic result can be reached.



The “Unternehmen an sich” concept was adopted by the National
Socialist regime and codified in the “Fuehrer Principle”, section 70 of the Stock
Corporation Act of 1937, which stated that: “The managing board is responsible for
directing the company as its well-being and that of the nation and state demand”.6
reference was made to the interests of shareholders and the Act in fact stated that, “in
the execution of its tasks, the management board must not be as dependent as it has
been in the past on the mass of irresponsible shareholders, who do not in general have
the necessary appreciation of the business situation.” Calls to exclude shareholders


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19 hours ago, SirHope said:


However the story is much deeper with a follow up regarding the transhumanist agenda, The Great Reset; moreover its love affair with synthetic imbedded technologies to biologically enhance beings. I regard this as dangerously unholy and mentality vicious as it changes ones personality in a dark sense.

Read this, the cyborgs are very much alive and well living on earth:

You will own nothing and be happy:


The people at the World Economic Forum who meet in Davos are cunning or most of them would not be super wealthy. At 7.5 billion people sure the world has problems, but has the Climate Change been overstated and could some of the news be exaggerated science by their bought media? Dr Lomborg think so. Few of us powerless people understand the true power of what many wealthy people can impart on the media and mindset of us underlings. After all they do control just about everything due to the power of money. Don't not tell me that science has not been corrupted by money cause I will say bull****. Also many dimwits get into Ivy league schools just because of wealthy families.

If the Great Reset is using Climate Change as a cover for massive change which I feel maybe the case. Then the under pinning think tanks at Davos must have a sinister plan. It is their marketing sales tactic that really sells the fantasy of Utopia to the younger generation, that makes it suspect, "no work and all play oh and you will own nothing and love its lifestyle society". It is like they're child molesters offering candy to children and I know that's a sick example. What made me think this way was that the Great Reset sells this fantasy Utopia, but their Davos Manifesto regarding Stakeholder Capitalism born in Nazi Germany cares more about the Group or Oligarchy than the Society. Couple this with the report by Dr Lomborg and being one of underlings I almost feel betrayed by this whole early shift to Build back better. Is the cover meant to destroy America because the people of Davos just want to end the World's Reserve Currency to move to the digital one and is Global Climate Change just a scam alarm bell for them? Sure if they accomplish this then they will run the World via proxy where ever they are. The group oligarchy in charge and you will own nothing and love it.

Did the 3rd Reich just reappear not with a blitzkrieg of tanks but a propaganda of lies spreading total fear with a final solution of carbon taxes?


When he founded the WEF in 1973, Schwab wrote the original Davos Manifesto aimed at urging corporate managers to reject shareholders and embrace a larger role as promoters of societal priorities. With that Davos Manifesto, the WEF now claims, “Stakeholder capitalism was born.”

Not quite. University of Calgary economist Randall Morck, editor of A History of Corporate Governance Around the World, sets the origins of legalized stakeholderism in Germany and the passage of the National Socialist government’s Shareholder Law of 1937. The law, writes Morck, “freed corporate managers and directors of their specific fiduciary duty to shareholders and substituted a general duty to all stakeholders.”

Yes we have Global Warming, but it has been blown out of proportion. And Mankind's attempt to change the Carbon Footprint by the end of the 21st Century would be a very small %, Thus our resources should be better spent elsewhere.


Global warming is a problem that we should tackle... smartly. But climate change will not mark the end of the world. The UN’s best estimate of the costs of unmitigated global warming by the end of the century is about 4% of global GDP. This is a problem, not an emergency. In our eagerness to enact climate policies, we could easily end up making the world worse off -- even if we tackle climate smartly, the policies could end up costing as much as 16% of global GDP or more.

With a sense of proportion, Dr Lomborg presents a coherent argument on how to tackle climate smartly. Crucially, for most of the world's 7.5 billion people, climate change comes far down the list of priorities when faced with infant mortality from easily curable diseases and malnutrition, suffering from poor education and low energy access.

Bjorn Lomborg is president of the Copenhagen Consensus Centre and author of The Skeptical Environmentalist, Cool It and How to Spend $75 Billion to Make the World a Better Place.

The first agenda of the Great Reset by Klaus Schwab is to follow a Nazi style Corporate Model which is more geared to the Group than the individual shareholder.


WEF chief executive officer Klaus Schwab described three core components of the Great Reset:[citation needed] the first involves creating conditions for a \"stakeholder economy\"

As you can see how a stakeholder corporate system works it does not care about society, it only cares about the group.


A big step towards a more explicit stakeholder capitalistic system was the enactment of § 70
German Stock Corporation Act in 1937.

In spite of the multi-interest considerations the stakeholder approach is not necessarily dealing
with social issues. Broad social concerns and stakeholder considerations do not have to be the
same 16 and stakeholder theory is actually not an underlying concept of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR).17 The stakeholder approach is thought to be a strategic approach to
business making. So it is not about taking the interests of the whole society into consideration
and assuming a responsibility towards it
, but about understanding and using the relationships
between the corporation and the groups that have a stake in it so that the best possible
economic result can be reached.



The “Unternehmen an sich” concept was adopted by the National
Socialist regime and codified in the “Fuehrer Principle”, section 70 of the Stock
Corporation Act of 1937, which stated that: “The managing board is responsible for
directing the company as its well-being and that of the nation and state demand”.6
reference was made to the interests of shareholders and the Act in fact stated that, “in
the execution of its tasks, the management board must not be as dependent as it has
been in the past on the mass of irresponsible shareholders, who do not in general have
the necessary appreciation of the business situation.” Calls to exclude shareholders


Children, don't smoke meth...

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