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Fossil find confirms Kauffman and Progogine self organization.


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After nearly two decades now of work by Chaoticians made up of the leading scientists and mathematicians in a wide variety of fields, the evidence is overwhelming. The world is not a gigantic clock where everything happens in an ordered and predictable manner. The real world is fundamentally disordered, free. Chaos reigns over predictability. Simple, linear systems which are causal and predictable are the exception in the Universe, not the rule. Most of the Universe works in jumps, in a non-linear fashion that can not be exactly predicted. It is infinitely complex. Freedom and free will - the Strange Attractors - prevail over rules and determinacy.

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Christopher, what's kind function of 'tie-switch' which you compare with tie-switch electrical circuit breaker[mainly functioning for maintenance purposes of stand-by power source like genset or power transformer] ? Maybe it's better using term of 'synchronizing-switch'.


By the way , Cambrian explosion is very interesting history we've to follow it. Remember from 1 zygote growing to be 30 trillion well-organized cells in 17 years, it's somekind explosion also.

Yes "syncronizing switch" is better.

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Biology is simply were chemistry is captured by the quantum field. Life is a wave function firstly abiogenesis and morphogenesis was not initiated though chemical reactions, but of a wave curling in on itself.

The physical elements get caught up into these vortices and crystallize around this flow pattern, thus sustaining it.


Life is not chemical forms but of waveforms. These dual vortexes create a self-sustaining resonating currents of information.


Let me be clear, complex cellular organization cannot be built up over time from simpler structures.


It is mathematically impossible,


These structures formed all at once, suddenly as the mass of dissipating fluid spheres [oolites ] acting as a dynamical scaffolding capture the wave function and pass this mathematical flow to the eukaryote cells.


An oscillating, pulsing mass of bound spheres acting as a bridge of organization for the cells, connecting them in autopoetic networks.

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While that blizzard of quotes was entertaining, where has your appeal to authority, negated your errors in thought or presentation that I cited?


Also, where did you get the idea that I was discussing gradualism in the development of organism morphologies?




You have yet to reconcile to me your definitional and conjectual errors when it comes to trying to find a single organizing principle independent of environment that drives the outcome of common descent. I don't see anything in your argument to convince me that the organizational processes that lead to spiral galaxies lead directly to me.


You must understand that the biochemical process that favors an asymmetric lifeform morphology, is as valid as a symmetric one if the environment is favorable to its replication? That the critical decision point in favor of symmetry on Earth was made at about the same time as paired sexual differentiation became a fairly common trait among multicellular organisms and that asymmetry had a roughly equal shot about a billion and a haklf years ago? That these were soft tissue organism morphologies settled much prior to your pre-Cmbrian evidence?


That the fossil record shows there is a simplification of available morphologies as a result of each catastrophic dieoff represented? That there isn't the slightest shred of actual fossil evidence of complexification of the morphology sets present after a catastrophic environmental killoff but rather a plateauing or a simplification? This is exactly the OPPOSITE of what you would expect in organism morphological radiation if you were to periodically clean slate much of the Earth of diversity as happens and as actually is indicated in the fossil record if your suppositions and hypothesis were valid.


I also point out that much of the gapping in the fossil record that your learned gentle authorities decry is a direct result of the catastrophioc events that promoted these killoffs, that produce the horizontal and vertical gapping in the record of common descent, that they assume proves that morphological gradualism is an invalid mechanism. It is not. For those stretches in the record where we have a good trace of common decent, gradualism is not only evident, it is the primary mechanism for morphological change within a common line of descent.(The horse is the clasiic example.)


You will have to supply clear direct evidence sets(actual fossils, not graphed illustrations) and go beyond appeals to authority and snowy language to prove your hypothesis to me in the concrete.


By the way, you do know that most of your quotations are out of context?

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By the way, you do know that most of your quotations are out of context?



This thread is about Morphogenesis during the Cambrian explosion , actually most everything you are presenting is out of context.

Why not starting by first checking my references and quotes , then giving this some thought, this way you could better understand the text, then your statements and questions might result in clarification instead of confusion over the actual subject of this thread.

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"What is life? Are quantum states and processes at the core of living systems?"

Articles by Stuart Hameroff and Paul Davis. Both discuss the possibility that quantum processes may be a common denominator for living systems. The noted experimental physicist Anton Zeilinger has also suggested that quantum effects underlie the living state. In a 1997 paper entitled "Quantum vitalism" for the Fetzer Institute journal "Advances: The Journal of Mind-body Health" I had suggested that, indeed, quantum processes were at the core of living systems, and relevant to health

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Chaos and Complexity


One of the themes straddling both biological and physical sciences is the quest for a mathematical model of phenomena of emergence (spontaneous creation of order), and in particular adaptation, and a physical justification of their dynamics (which seems to violate physical laws).


The physicist Sadi Carnot, one of the founding fathers of Thermodynamics, realized that the statistical behavior of a complex system can be predicted if its parts were all identical and their interactions weak. At the beginning of the century, another French physicist, Henri Poincare`, realizing that the behavior of a complex system can become unpredictable if it consists of few parts that interact strongly, invented "chaos" theory. A system is said to exhibit the property of chaos if a slight change in the initial conditions results in large-scale differences in the result. Later, Bernard Derrida will show that a system goes through a transition from order to chaos if the strength of the interactions among its parts is gradually increased. But then very "disordered" systems spontaneously "crystallize" into a higher degree of order.

First of all, the subject is "complexity", because a system must be complex enough for any property to "emerge" out of it. Complexity can be formally defined as nonlinearity.


The world is mostly nonlinear. The science of nonlinear dynamics was originally christened "chaos theory" because from nonlinear equations unpredictable solutions emerge.


A very useful abstraction to describe the evolution of a system in time is that of a "phase space". Our ordinary space has only three dimensions (width, height, depth) but in theory we can think of spaces with any number of dimensions. A useful abstraction is that of a space with six dimensions, three of which are the usual spatial dimentions. The other three are the components of velocity along those spatial dimensions. In ordinary 3-dimensional space, a "point" can only represent the position of a system. In 6-dimensional phase space, a point represents both the position and the motion of the system. The evolution of a system is represented by some sort of shape in phase space.


The shapes that chaotic systems produce in phase space are called "strange attractors" because the system will tend towards the kinds of state described by the points in the phase space that lie within them.


The program then becomes that of applying the theory of nonlinear dynamic systems to Biology.


Inevitably, this implies that the processes that govern human development are the same that act on the simplest organisms (and even some nonliving systems). They are processes of emergent order and complexity, of how structure arises from the interaction of many independent units. The same processes recurr at every level, from morphology to behavior.


Darwin's vision of natural selection as a creator of order is probably not sufficient to explain all the spontaneous order exhibited by both living and dead matter. At every level of science (including the brain and life) the spontaneous emergence of order, or self-organization of complex systems, is a common theme.


Koestler and Salthe have shown how complexity entails hierarchical organization. Von Bertalanffi's general systems theory, Haken's synergetics, and Prigogine's non-equilibrium Thermodynamics belong to the class of mathematical disciplines that are trying to extend Physics to dynamic systems.


These theories have in common the fact that they deal with self-organization (how collections of parts can produce structures) and attempt at providing a unifying view of the universe at different levels of organization (from living organisms to physical systems to societies).

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According to the “Vesica Attractor” model


Multi-celled life forms emerge separately from a common gene pool.

This pool absorbs information from the outer support matrix and distributes this information via (HGT) through conjugation this bio-mass becomes a homogenous evolving substrate. Once a threshold is reached, simple multi-cellular life begins to appear directly from this substrate, their intricacy reflecting the complexity of the substrate.


Forms like the Vendian emerge first as a precursor to the Cambrian explosion. This event represents separately emerging symmetrical vesica attractors, forming archetypal geometric patterns depending on perturbations in these separate systems.


These initial forms spawn an entire phyla. This model was arrived at by a single embryonic fossil discovery, But can also be seen though the lens of current genomic research. Christopher







Periannan Senapathy, Ph.D


New research and recent advances in our understanding of genome mechanics, DNA sequence structure and genetic mutations all indicate that the genome of an organism is much more rigid than previously believed. In fact, all genomes seem to be essentially fixed and immutable to substantive, evolutionary- scale changes, even over geologic time.* A few adaptive mutations seem statistically plausible, but a distinct organism's characteristic morphology and biochemistry now appear to be permanently closed to the development of any new organ, appendage or biochemical process. The implications of this hypothesis are staggering, since it refutes the fundamental premise of virtually all theories of species evolution, which have prevailed in one form or another since Charles Darwin articulated the original theory in 1859. All evolution theories hold that all species have descended from one or only a few primitive single-celled ancestors in the proverbial primordial pond, and that the rich variety of life forms on Earth is a product of natural selection. But if genomes are indeed fixed and immutable, then natural selection can produce only incidental variations among essentially similar species, and therefore can explain only a small fraction of the diversity of life on Earth. If genomes are fixed and immutable, then most of Earth's plant and animal species must have originated independently in the primordial pond.




Attractor models have always been metaphysical models up until now. This fossil represents a physical attractor caught in a process of assembling catalytic sets at large into an assemblage point.

These systems held together by a dissipating scaffolding of oolitic spheres.

As for this being a metaphysical approch, consider that I am after all an engineer, extrapolating information from the juxtaposition of parts caught in a dynamical flow pattern. I can’t think of a more mechanistic approach than that. But your are correct this dynamic is still currently viewed as metaphysical, but consider the sum total of all the evidence we have combined with the current use of attractor models, [catastrophe theory ] and how they can be applied to the interacting genetic components in biological systems, reflecting changes in morphology over time, and also how these components could have been originally unified in a self-organizing process.

Keep in mind this is the first time an actual physical artifact represents how these process originated.

In other words, this could represent a rosetta stone of life.






catastrophe theory

Mathematical theory developed by René Thom in 1972, in which he showed that the growth of an organism proceeds by a series of gradual changes that are triggered by, and in turn trigger, large-scale changes or ‘catastrophic’ jumps. It also has applications in engineering – for example, the gradual strain on the structure of a bridge that can eventually result in a sudden collapse – and has been extended to economic and psychological events.



What I am stating is the individual phyla emerged separately and suddenly from attractors. The vesica attractors only accounts for the higher taxon that appeared during the Cambrian. The simple multi-celled life are only related to the complex life in that the both emerged directly from a microbial substrate.


They are not, however related by a linage of developing body plans. This is the conclusion that I came to after deciphering the artifact.

When I checked the present scientific text, it not only confirmed that conclusion,{by tying together lose ends in our present understanding the development of complex morphology} but answered many other questions that I had not even considered asking.Christopher

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This thread is about Morphogenesis during the Cambrian explosion , .

Yet we have substantial evidence for the existence of complexity well before the Cambrian explosion:

Phylogenetic Studies: for example, http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pubmed&pubmedid=14731304

which indicates arthropods were extant 725 mya +/-25my.

Fossil Findsfor example, the bilaterals found in China and referred to in my post #13.

From my perspective findings such as these invalidate your hypothesis. I await your reaction.


I may have missed it in the plethora of quotations in your lengthy posts, but how many of these fossils have you discovered? What is their provenance?

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Morphogenesis during the Cambrian explosion


That is one killoff event of many that you fail to address as a set; which you would have to do if your hypothesis has validity over the entire timescale that you claim your process is at work. You cannot snapshot processes in geology, chemistry, biology, and physics andf hold that the snapshot is valid across the time deltas that life existed on this Earth.


Most everything I have posted is in direct reference and contradiction to your hypothesis and is spercific to your claims.


1. I questioned you about precursor morphologies to the Pre Cambrian.

2. I questioned you about timelines.

3. I questioned your connecting of oolite deposition to the actual mechanism of morpholological preferentiation-specifically in reference to the pre-Cambrian.


I find that it is you who is off argument. You are evading answering the direct questions raised regarding your hypothesis.


Now then, again


Show us the set of fossils.

Give us the chain of youir evidence you culled from the fossils that leads you to adopt this "vessica tractor" morphology mechanism.


Tie it firmly to chaos mathematics.


Evidence please. It is you making your case and us you are trying to convince.

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Biology is simply were chemistry is captured by the quantum field. Life is a wave function firstly abiogenesis and morphogenesis was not initiated though chemical reactions, but of a wave curling in on itself.

The physical elements get caught up into these vortices and crystallize around this flow pattern, thus sustaining it.


Life is not chemical forms but of waveforms. These dual vortexes create a self-sustaining resonating currents of information.


Let me be clear, complex cellular organization cannot be built up over time from simpler structures.


It is mathematically impossible,


These structures formed all at once, suddenly as the mass of dissipating fluid spheres [oolites ] acting as a dynamical scaffolding capture the wave function and pass this mathematical flow to the eukaryote cells.


An oscillating, pulsing mass of bound spheres acting as a bridge of organization for the cells, connecting them in autopoetic networks.


I believe we need to start from microtubule experiments, we need to know how many waveforms working in this 'warping-zone', perhaps electro-gravity, magneto-gravity. How can we explain more physical rather than metaphysical doom.

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I believe 'evidences-related' is somekind metaphysical rather than physical, look ourself what we have to do to drive Enterprise engine 0.1c-->0.2c-->0.5c, how much energy required to do that, while oil price crazy increased, what's the future next generation? The answers maybe only nuke energy from a little boy. Physical Evidence does not always help somekind of humanity, look again ourself, nuke, telecomunication, biotechnology, genome for our wrinkles eyes only. It's well-proven mathematical chaotic system. Do we need physical evidence of God face so we may touch Him ? Let's listen like we listen fine-tuned music of universe, sometime we do not need evidence and we may in dream of mathematical engine trying to zoom pixels our consciosness more than 10 mega-pixels, 100 MP , next 1000 MP till we meet our satistfaction to read beauty of mind, conscious universe.

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That is one killoff event of many that you fail to address as a set; which you would have to do if your hypothesis has validity over the entire timescale that you claim your process is at work. You cannot snapshot processes in geology, chemistry, biology, and physics andf hold that the snapshot is valid across the time deltas that life existed on this Earth.


Most everything I have posted is in direct reference and contradiction to your hypothesis and is spercific to your claims.


1. I questioned you about precursor morphologies to the Pre Cambrian.

2. I questioned you about timelines.

3. I questioned your connecting of oolite deposition to the actual mechanism of morpholological preferentiation-specifically in reference to the pre-Cambrian.


I find that it is you who is off argument. You are evading answering the direct questions raidsed regarding your hypothesis.


Now then, again


Show us the set of fossils.

Give us the chain of youir evidence you culled from the fossils that leads you to adopt this "vessica tractor" morphology mechanism.


Tie it firmly to chaos mathematics.


Evidence please. It is you making your case and us you are trying to convince.




I have answered these questions, I have made it clear that I do not agree with your view of the fossil record so why do you expect me to fit my model into your view.


Let me be clear, anomalies aside complex morphology arose separately simultaneously and instantaneously 530 million years ago.


If you cannot see this as a geological fact you will remain blind to what this model is clearly showing about the evolution of life.

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My only intent was to walk the river beds and read the information contained in the strata. It was my way to become aware of another aspect of nature, one of deep time, not just from a book or computer but to experience it first hand though the rocks. I found once you crossed a threshold of understanding the language of the rocks, they came to life, and contained a dynamic all their own. One way I found to enhance this dynamic is to connect it to a system view. My goal was just to see what I could see. When I found this artifact I was a Darwinist and had no knowledge of any major flaw in this theory. When it became apparent that this was an embryonic form that was in the process of self assembling from a totality of environmental components, my first reaction was that this was something completely out of sync with the natural order, a parallel evolution of sorts. It forced me to take another look at the fossil record of the early Cambrian. What I found in the text was that this represented a missing piece in organizational phases of the evolution of complex body plans, such as how shelled animals could have survived before developing shells. How eukaryotes cells could come together to form a dynamic self sustaining system cooperatively without starving each other first, just by competing for energy in a contained space. The answers where provided before I had ask them.

The elemental components formed around a logarithm. This geometry is expressed as the wave curls in on itself redirecting the linear flow into a circular one. Once the mico-environment had reached an energetic threshold, the archetypal components of the environment ( oolitic spheres, cyanobacterial filaments, eukaryote cells ) assemble into these spiraling patterns. The oolitic spheres and cyanobacterial filaments are rolled into a recursive, concentric contained form. This layered circular mass begins to act not only as an Architectural framework, but also as a bridge, connecting fluid dynamics and a life support system for a self-organizing eukaryote system. Macro-dynamics construct and assemble the Micro-components, that intern capture and contain the Macro-dynamics. The wave pulse was the breath of life that the components formed around. I was cognitive of the answer but blissfully unaware of the question. Life, it turns out is based firstly on a flow of energy and secondly on the physical components contained in this flow, and this flow pattern is based on a logarithmic curve, or more well known as, The geometry of phi.

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Vertex into Vortex

Spin Cycles

Like a smoke ring spinning in space, the donut ring is in constant spining motion. Turning inside out isn't a single moment, or a one-time operation, but a continuous, on-going, ever-spinning process—a moment-um.

But because space is infolded, the ring spins on one extra axis. A donut has one added axis of spin beyond 3-D (X, Y, Z). The ring can spin in the usual three axes, but also rolls and curls in on itself, like a smoke ring hanging in space while it rolls in on itself.


The result is that a point on the ring's surface moves in a complex motion. One movement is to circle around the hole. But because the ring curls in on itself, a second motion rolls the point into the donut's center.


This is a spiral vortex—a universal flowform. In our 4-square, material world, this appears as a 4-armed swastika. But PHI-sided symmetry creates a 5-sided, PHI-ration spiral, with richer geometric possibilities.


This spinning ring creates a pair of twin vortexes. From the top, one whirls into the center in clockwise rotation. The other, on the opposite, bottom side, spins outward in counterclockwise flow.

So, a spinning ring appears as a vortex whirling out from the center. Its rotation is opposite to the inward vortex on the donut's top—a matching pair in clockwise and counterclockwise motion.

As inside becomes the outside, the 12 dodecahedron faces become 12 donut ring phases. And the 12 icosahedron vertexes become twelve donut ring vortexes.

Coming & Going

Ovaries and Uterus


So, a spinning ring has twin vortexes which swirls down into and through a center, then out the bottom. One pulls into the center; the other expels out to the periphery. These two geometries are universal pattern for flux and flow.


Joined together side-by-side, these two create a remarkable, familiar figure

They describe the architecture of human female sex organs: ovaries and uterus. With a little folding, this becomes a male sex organ.

Nature took millions of years to perfect this use of PHI-spiral architecture to open this passage into material time and space.Quote




I believe that patterns of information, rather than matter and energy, represent the more fundamental building blocks of reality.


The question is how to get eukaryote cells to acquire this patterns of information, of bilateral symmetry central nervous system and circulatory system.


What is needed is a basic geometric pattern of flow for the cells to form around.


Once this initial system is set into motion an emergent morphology takes shape as energy and information passes though this system. Christopher


The Vesica




Quote; The feedback loop which describes Phi is an arithmetic linear operator, (like a binary switch: 0 or 1, off or on) representing the winding or rotation number of the inscribed spiral, which is conventionally represented as a multiple of 2pi;. This is superposed with its expansion ratio; 1 : 1.618 ... which is geometric (logarithmic) and therefore non-linear. This can be represented using the polygonal spiral that preserves the circle in half-radians (pi/2) in a manner reminiscent of the action of i = sqrt(-1), the imaginary number. (See below, re: the complex plane) Note that the natural logarithm e, i and pi are in the following relationship: e **(i pi) = -1. The linear is reversible (and finite) while the non-linear is not (and infinite --- being numerically irrational). Phi is in fact the most difficult irrational to approximate with rational numbers, making it the last KAM torus to collapse before the onset, or edge of Chaos.


This quasi-periodic Phi toroid geometry is therefore paradoxically, the most stable (under perturbation), despite also being on the edge of Chaos. This is reminiscent of non-linearities damping dissipation in soliton behaviour. Solitons are persistent travelling waves which trade dissipative (resonant) effects off against inherent non-linearities, in a way that cancels each other out, (a flame being a simple example,).


KAM (after Kolgomorov, Arnold, Moser), tori themselves are geometric models that have been used to solve many-body problems in physics, such as planetary dynamics: it has been suggested that the entire solar system is in this edge of Chaos scenario, as a global spatial/temporal entity - whilst allowing for local spatial/temporal chaotic instabilities, again known as resonances, which could be seen as fine adjustments to the overall dynamic, (such as the orbital gaps between the planets, moons and within ring systems;Quote Nigel Reading






quote;again, means Phi behaviour seems to operate at all scales and in any dimension, and confirms it as when infinitely iterated, the mathematically most stable attractive orbit for achieving a mathematical singularity . The fixed points themselves confirm the orbit between the finite (0) and infinite (-1) attractors. The finite attractor here is the period two orbit, analogous to a graph of: y = sin x. The infinite attractor is that same orbit as the graph of the reciprocal: y=sin(1/x). Remarkably, these graphs of simple harmonic motion can be used to describe the curvature of space-time in approaching the speed of light (relative to an outside observer, i.e.: the rest of the Universe, time stops, you compress to finite size, as one dimension compactifies, and gain infinite mass - unless you are initially massless, like a photon), or the approach to (or departure from), a space-time singularity such as a Black Hole, or the Big Bang (when times also stop) - which are intriguingly and non-coincidentally, time reversals of each other.quote







This is the (ana)Logos of Heraclitis of Ephesus, or the Tao of Lao Tsu. These concepts seem to be part of a universal global archetype, in the Jungian sense, to have been already intuited separately by other cultures, at earlier times.


More pertinently, James Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis, (where the biosphere of the planet itself is self-organised), is a paradigm for a truly global homeostasis based on Complexity, where the whole planet is posited to minimise its entropy-production at the edge of Chaos, (fixing gas proportions at non equilibrium levels suitable for life, for example), because of the cellular automata-like action of the biosphere.


We have a duty to future generations to learn from Gaia-esque concepts; to preserve humanity, its cultures, and the global ecosystem (and their respective diversities), to live by the maxim of sustainability, which is to: "not make the world a worse place for our children by our current actions or inactions". We have a moral responsibilty of course, but also one based on preserving the complexity and diversity of the only known seat of intelligent life in this Universe. We and our world are like the Mandelbrot Set: the most complex and diverse known entities in existence. The Golden Mean, because of its supreme economy, elegance and capacity for analogy, because it resides where it does in dynamical systems behaviours such as within the biosphere, is therefore also the ultimate metaphor for sustainability. Etymologically speaking, the architect is a "fabricator of archetypes"; these ideas and issues as discussed above are as profound as they are pressing. If we are to mitigate our worst ecological excesses (in better understanding and replicating nature, we can better preserve it), or to create better examples of criticality: metaphors and analogies of reality (with these archetypes), we must assimilate the lessons of the sciences of Complexity, for they are the laws and emergent properties of nature itself.





Suffice to say, maximum Complexity is found via self-organised criticality at the edge of Chaos, which is epitomised by the Golden Mean, as the emergent geometric manifestation of the principle of least action: therefore its full temporal/ spatial action is analogous to creation itself.


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I have answered these questions, I have made it clear that I do not agree with your view of the fossil record so why do you expect me to fit my model into your view.


Let me be clear, anomalies aside complex morphology arose separately simultaneously and instantaneously 530 million years ago.


If you cannot see this as a geological fact you will remain blind to what this model is clearly showing about the evolution of life.




Your model is not supported by the fossil evidence, over time.


I also told you that protein chemistry drive planform morphology?




I am intrigued by the RNA factor in planform generation;




and while I don't support it, here is endo-symbiosis;


http://www.thymos.com/science/endosymb.html that makes more sense to me than your mystical hoodoo.


I search for ambient environmental processes(Occam's Razor and evidence of direct observation) to explain events such as the Cambrian Explosion, which occurred over a period of thirty or so million years-more than long enough for incremental morphological differentiation as shown in the fossil record. Plus there are examples of basic planform differentiation before the Pre-Cambrian as previously noted.


A walk along the riverbed is hardly sufficient to overcome my objections to your hypothesis.




Genetic drift time marker evidence puts the phylum splitting at about a billion years BCE?


I understand full well that the Pre-Cambrian explosion shows evidence in the fossil record the thirty or so planforms that modern animals use. But it shows subsequent failure of the trilobite, the Anomalocaris and other planforms among the fifty or so that didn't make it.


This is something your theory doesn't address. I see in the Pre-Cambrian fossil record, the first geological distribution of micro-environments(multiple shallow seas developing as the continents break apart) and multi-cellular animals developing to exclusive defined bounded ecologies.




from China,




from Utah,


show this clearly enough.


That doesn't suggest that your vessica attractor theory holds up. It suggests that the more traditional "natural selection survival preference' mechanism is far more valid as is the idea that stabile catalytic chemistry drives the lifeform and function. To wit, standard solutions such as eye and wing occur over and over due to environmental adaptation and not due to some predeposition toward wingedness or eyeness. Structural proof is the bee, and the robin. Neither animal has comparative structure of eye and wing in micro-detail although both are bilaterally symmetric multicellular flying animals, closer to each other genetically than I suggest the Anomalocaris was to Mister Trilobite.

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