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Mushroom DNA


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It is the Mushroom Kingdom that greats you today. Mushrooms much like eggplant are another form of crystalline structure that remains upon earth when most other plant kingdoms have fallen into great density at 2 strands of DNA over time. Crystalline structures are light and porous with more air element, hence our light weight given our size. It is the air element that allows for increasing movement of chi through any living structure; the more porous the structure, the more chi that can be pushed through the form leading to a higher frequency or vibration of the cells and overall structure.


Most wild mushrooms have never dropped beneath 6000 strands of DNA in vibration, and our kingdom is rising well above the vibration of many other plant and tree kingdoms at this end of cycle time period of ascension “home”. As a result of this truth, we are paving the way to regeneration for all other kingdoms to follow.




6,000 strands of DNA?

How do they know that?


I've met a lot of people on the internet lately that believe in "other strands of DNA"

but when I think of DNA I see a double helix.


Has anyone studied mushroom DNA? Are 6,000 strands a possibility?

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6,000 strands of DNA?

How do they know that?


I've met a lot of people on the internet lately that believe in "other strands of DNA"

but when I think of DNA I see a double helix.


Has anyone studied mushroom DNA? Are 6,000 strands a possibility?

Always had an interest but I think you need to study under a master.

I did go on some Syney uni Fungi group forages in the bush. When you really start to look there are heaps out there.


You would think that normal DNA would not cope with Chernobyl !

News in Science - Fungus eats radiation for breakfast - 23/05/2007

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