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A sad day....


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an application to the whatever governer school of New Jersey required all standardized tests to be scored on the 90 percentile to demostrate strong math and science skills.......


well... although its not likely for me to be selected even if i got a 750... now, it becomes impossible.


(er, i wonder how worse is my PSAT score gonna be......)

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Beaker, I have the feeling that a 700 is not what is used to be. Either that, or the bar for Biology has been raised a LOT since I took the test.

Of course, back then, before electricity and all, the SAT was only a 2 section test - math and verbal. The ACT was compartmentalized, and the ASVAB was also used. I remember getting back my SAT score and being bummed over my 740 verbal and 720 math. I thought it was horrible. But then again, i went to school with a few that got MUCH closer to that elusive 1600, so i felt like a slacker with my sub-1500 score.

I agree though Tim - I think you did a great job. Besides, those tests are really not a very good indication of anything other than how well you understand taking a test. If you can apply the knowledge taht you have, and you are able to understand the concepts that you have been taught, that is much more valuable than being able to recall and regurgitate them on an exam. Don't lose heart, I doubt many of us could have done better.

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hmm... I'll be taking physics, math l2 and Writing this december. It'll be a great embarassment if tim beats me in physics and maths since he's two years younger.

So Tim, you've got a challenge now.

Tinny vs Tim for SAT II Maths L2 and Physics.

Deal? Come on... it'll really motivate you and get over that Bio dissapointment


As for Writing, huh.... I'm hopeless. Damn all those grammar jargon!


Did you take SAT I Tim? What's your score? Mine was 630 Verbal (aggh!hose SAT words) and 780 Math (it was a fluke!). Hopefully it's enough for Northwestern U, or at least Purdue University.


Irish, that 740 verbal was incredible. Wish I could get anywhere near that.... too late now.

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You know Tim, I think this site took a lot of your studying time. You might have done better in Biology had you been studying. Maybe you should stay away from it till after SAT II. Hey, that applies to me too!


But then again, I need to refine my writing skills and think on my feet since the Writing test gives you only 20 minutes to write an essay.

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