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There is no space in the atom

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There is no empty space in the atom, instead of an electron shell, the ElectricMagnetic field originates from the core of the atom. So atom’s are just the nucleus with no shell. As such in the core of the earth or the atom it is dense to the point that the pressure heat cannot radiate between the atom’s. If the core were to lose heat it would absorb it back in again. The EM field retracts back into the core when the aether temperature increases and causes the atom to spin or vibrate faster. Because of density in the core the heat that would cause atoms to spin faster turns into a collective spin of the planet or atom.

The core heat would be very luminous and dense if it were to escape just like lightning from water molecule’s in a cloud. Since its where the EM field originates, then the core heat is electricity. The spin of the atom or planet creates a trough crest pattern on the gravity field crest being North and trough boundary being South. Alignment of these patterns creates magnetic properties. The strength of the electricity in the core determines magnetic strength.

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