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Maglev trains

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hey, im new to this, but my science project..err experiment..is that i have to basically run tests on maglev trains, that are homemade by me.

my ideas to get this running is to have slabs of aluminum which are wrapped with copper wire and hooked to a 15 or 20 volt power source (all i can afford right now)

i was wondering if the power source would be a sufficient source of power, also, please comment on the ups and downs of this experiment-all help will be appreciated, thanks

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well the force that the magnetic field applies will be dependant on its strength which will in turn depend on the amount of current running through the copper and how many turns of the copper you can wind. The more copper you wind the more 'dense' you will make the field, but you will also in turn create a higher electrical resistance in the wires which means less current. A higher voltage will get the current higher.


So wrap as many coils you can at as high voltage as you can, that should do it. :hihi: Im am interested to know your setup of the trains themselves.


P.S heed Infamous' warning! electricity kills - mainly via stupidity and ignorance... :hihi:

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so..do any of you think that 15-20 volts with numerous coils will be sufficient enough to levitate the train?

and in response to jay-qu, the trains are most likely going to be a metal based structure, most likely aluminum again, that would wrap around the guide rail, hoping to achieve a levitating effect,

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well the trains should be made as light as possible and also will need to have some sort of magnet so it can be repelled.


Even if the track isnt that big because of all the winding you are going to end up with a significant resistance in the wires.

The resistance of the wires can be determined with a multimeter or using the formula:

Resistance = (resistivity of copper * length of wire) / cross-sectional area of the wire

resistivity of copper = 0.0000000168 ohm.m or there-abouts


then when you have the resistance the current = Voltage / resistance

and you want maximum current, I have no idea as to how much but I'm sure you will need a fair bit to get levitation.

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so pretty much, i have all the aluminum i need, and im going to get a power source which is connected to the guide way by way of copper wire, also im probably gonna have magnets under the train structure, or an on board power source, seem good enough?


and btw thanks for all ur help guys

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  • 3 weeks later...
hey, im new to this, but my science project..err experiment..is that i have to basically run tests on maglev trains, that are homemade by me.
My advice is to build a model Inductrak maglev train. The advantage of this system is that it doesn’t require an electric power supply – the levitating field is generated by the motion of an array of permanent magnets in the car as it moves over conductor loops in the track.


This systems inventors, Post and Ryutov of Lawrence Livermore National Lab, made a fairly large (1:20 scale, 20m long track) model as a prototype. Initially, they powered it via a rope run through pulleys to a bucket full of weights. (see http://www.llnl.gov/str/Post.html) Later, they powered by an electric linear accelerator built into the track coils. Eventually, they hoped to fit the system to existing railroad tracks, allowing both conventional and maglev trains to use the same lines. They also would like to use it to launch rockets at about mach .5 using a “ski jump” type track.


Several magnet vendors sell small, powerful permanent magnets in the cube shape necessary, and even describe how to put them together into the “Halbach array” used by this kind of maglev train using metal “C” channel and – see http://www.gaussboys.com/halbach.php, for example.


The track can be made out of wound wire coils with their ends connected, or closely spaced rectangular donut-shaped conductive plates (aluminum is a good choice).


Literature suggest that these trains can effectively levitate about 20 time the weight of their magnets.


The drawback to this system is that, under a certain “takeoff” speed (beyond my ability to calculate), the car doesn’t levitate high enough to clear the track, and “lands” (or crashes, if the model lacks wheel, skids, or similar to handle the event). Unless you can calculate your design’s “takeoff speed”, or find someone who can, the completed model may require the car to be run at too high a speed to make a very good demonstration.

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