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I cant handle people

inside the sun

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I have anger issues. ANd a mouth that can run. I speak my mind, and i stand up for myself, no matter who it is, whether it be an adult, an elderly person,a teacher or a police officer. If they are full of sh*t, im not afraid to tell them. So um, to my question. What makes peolpe in certain parts of the world so fake and materilistic. I.E. Santa Barbara, California. What do we have here that puts a stick up people's asses, or puts on a latex mask over themselves and they pump themselves full of plastic? Is it the weather..we are spoiled, and it is ideal. Is it the location..near the beach? Wtf is it?

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Don't forget a good amount of them are on drugs.

Had an ex who's stepfather did work on a popular movie.

She was such a druggie and lived in North Hollywood, California.


There are idiots everywhere, the best thing to do is not get involved with people.

Of course the problem is when the druggies and criminals get smart. eh.

Which is the problem that is recurring more and more.


Environmental surroundings could provide a want to be the best of the best. Since their physiological needs are pretty much set with nature supplying them warmth, they may turn to other things. Of course the need of safety isn't really filled because of gangs and etc. etc. in california. I really don't like California.


Most likely it's that law enforcement doesn't enforce enough laws there. That's the problem I assume. When behavior is not punished, it is usually said to be continued and perhaps influenced to continue and grow.


Of course if you drop a cigarette out of your car window they go bezerk. Such a stupid state.


For the majority of it all, money would be the answer.

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You are an audacious individual, inside the sun. It isn't too difficult to find out why, though - especially since you live in such a mollycoddled area of human populous. But like all problems, they must be overcome and the only way to do that is to figure out why you need to overcome this problem before you figure out what makes up this problem.

Why do you notice such a problem? Should you have the right to complain about such a problem? I don't know, myself, but i'm sure it won't take long for you to discover these answers.

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