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What form might intelligent life take?


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18 hours ago, darkmatter42 said:

This is a very popular question, but I want to here everyone's opinions. What form might intelligent life take? If any?

I have a thread for that about alien life, I was speaking to a friend of mine named Kami in any case, Link =https://www.scienceforums.com/topic/38424-conversations-with-kami-alternate-biochemistry/


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What form might intelligent life take? Ever heard of the space angels; creatures of light, humans in the same context being described as creatures of clay.  I commented on a ‘help the seti institute’  post on this forum, (I believe the Saylut-7 incidents occurred at slightly different dates to those mentioned by others).


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JeffreysTubes8 I thought your arguments against intelligent life being abundant is probably in line with mainstream, but the lack of dimming stars from megastructures everywhere may be due to the ability of being able to harness unimaginable energy from what we may consider ‘thin air’. As for humans not changing since the industrial revolution, well our technology certainly has and perhaps it may artificially enhance us, give us incredible abilities or simply wipe us out and become the new intelligent life! Personally I like your idea of a ‘Star Trek’ Starfleet federation, although that is no millions of years ahead of us civilisation.   

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9 hours ago, spartan45 said:


JeffreysTubes8 I thought your arguments against intelligent life being abundant is probably in line with mainstream, but the lack of dimming stars from megastructures everywhere may be due to the ability of being able to harness unimaginable energy from what we may consider ‘thin air’. As for humans not changing since the industrial revolution, well our technology certainly has and perhaps it may artificially enhance us, give us incredible abilities or simply wipe us out and become the new intelligent life! Personally I like your idea of a ‘Star Trek’ Starfleet federation, although that is no millions of years ahead of us civilisation.   

The Mainstream science is retarded, all I wanted to say about any of this. Ya, pay 80 million dollars and you are obviously correct is how mainstream science works. It's just like the mainstream media, you want your story put to 7 billion people around the world? Write me a check for 700 million dollars. Like I have said many times, the only thing people care about is the number of zeros behind the number in your bank account with literally anything. Kid you wanna be famous then pay google 100 million dollars your face will be mashed everywhere on the internet and you'll be a famous mofo, kid you wanna be a genius inventor/scientist then pay every journal in existence 1 million dollars each, they will say that you are right about everything forever and are the new greatest inventor/scientist of the 21st century. After that, don't forget to give the lobbyists that give to the politicians money probably in the millions of dollars range and they'll do anything you want, literally anything did this kid in your geometry class piss you off, have him and his entire family sent to Guantanamo Bay detention camp by the government, all it takes is a bribe to your local lobbyist. But if you are that "Average" person then basically, **** you, you'll get paid $20,000 a year and basically everything you say is bullshit. Don't forget kid you can do anything for a check of the right price!

Edited by VictorMedvil
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